Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1543 It's Good To Be Alive

Chapter 1543 It's Good To Be Alive

Chapter 1559

"So, the merits and demerits are equal, the emperor made a decree to return the Shangguan Mansion, allowing you to return to the Shangguan Mansion to live, but Dongli, you may not be able to go back. From now on, you will live in the capital."

The cries in the cell gradually stopped, the despair on every face vanished in an instant, and endless joy returned to their faces. They don't have to die, they can continue to live, and they can live in the Shangguan Mansion again.

Shangguan Yao held Shangguan Yu'er's hand and said in a low voice: "Yu'er, although you can return to Shangguan Mansion, everything in the mansion will never be the same as before, you have to be mentally prepared."

Shangguan Yu'er nodded heavily: "Thank you, aunt, it's good to be alive, and it's reasonable to not live the same life as before. Auntie, don't worry, as long as I, Shangguan Yu'er, are with me for a day, the Shangguan family will continue to live. Existence, will never disappear."

Shangguan Yao seemed to see Nuo Er's shadow on her face, the two brothers and sisters were really alike.

Although Sun Liuliu was very happy that she and her son could continue to live, when she learned that the son died for Zheng Nianwen, she felt very uncomfortable.

She couldn't help the churning curiosity in her heart, and asked Shangguan Yao: "Your Majesty, is Princess Changle really alive? Didn't you say before——"

Shangguan Yao's icy eyes fell on Sun Liuliu's face, and said coldly: "You shouldn't inquire, don't inquire, what about Princess Changle has nothing to do with you."

Sun Liuliu immediately fell silent, shrinking her neck and bowing her head, her face was respectful, but her heart was very dissatisfied, why?Why is she, Sun Liuliu, not even worthy to ask Zheng Nianwen?Her husband just died for this woman, didn't he?Why can't she ask?

However, she dared not say such a thing.

Shangguan Yao helped Shangguan Yu'er up, took her by the hand and walked out. Before leaving the palace, she specially ordered someone to bring her clothes and wash her up so that no one would see her in a mess when she returned home. Will be despised as a joke in the future.

Sun Liuliu watched all this silently from behind, feeling terribly jealous in her heart, Shangguan Yu'er was born with a good life, had a father who held real power, and an aunt who was a queen, now even if her father and brother are gone, she still bears the burden of treason However, she still has a queen aunt to protect her, so she doesn't have to worry about marrying and having children in the future. Impossible, with father's temper, how could he tolerate the Shangguan family's children, how will he live in the future?

When the Queen returned to the Palace of Imperial Harmony, Chu Tianqi changed into casual clothes and was about to go out.

"Your majesty, you want to leave the palace?" Shangguan Yao picked him up and stopped him.

Chu Tianqi nodded: "There are some things to do, you get out of the way."

"Your Majesty, it's not peaceful outside now. If you go out now, what will happen if you encounter danger." After experiencing this accident, Shangguan Yao valued Chu Tianqi's life more than her own.

She figured out one thing, Chu Tianqi is not only her husband, but also the father of her two children, and the monarch of this country.

Once something happened to him, everyone would suffer accordingly. She didn't know what was going on in her head, but she would agree to conspire with her brother to rebel and cut her own way of life.

Fortunately, Qi Rongyue woke her up with a single word, otherwise, she and her child would have been imprisoned by the cruel elder brother by now.

(End of this chapter)

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