Chapter 1545 Exhausted hope

Chapter 1561

Beside the medicine field, he ordered people to build a small wooden house, named it Yunju, and lived here, planning to accompany Jian Yun in the days to come, living in seclusion among the mountains.

This is Jian Yun's wish. He has never helped her fulfill this wish, but now, he fulfills her wish in this way. I don't know if she can see it.

When Wan Kun woke up, it was already seven days later, Chu Tianqi returned to the palace, Mr. Wan stayed in Yunju, Min Hengzhi and Luo Ji stayed in Luozhuang to take care of the unconscious Wan Kun until he woke up.

After sleeping for as long as a century, he opened his eyes, sweating profusely, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar tent above, and the memories in his mind came back bit by bit.

In order to save Nianwen, he was pierced through the chest by that man. It is impossible to survive such an injury.

He sat up, and the arbitrary twisting of his body didn't bring the slightest pain. It was very strange, why didn't it hurt?

He tore off the clothes on his chest, but there was no trace of wounds on his body that should have been covered with scars, and there was no trace of the wound piercing his chest.

How could this be?This is impossible.

He suddenly thought of reading the text, thinking that when he woke up in Jincheng, the injuries on his body disappeared like now, is it reading the text, or is it reading the text?
If Nianwen saved him with the self-destructive ability, how is Nianwen doing now?

He quickly got out of bed, just as his feet hit the ground and before he could stand still, the world turned around in front of his eyes, as if someone gave him a sap in the head.

He fell to the floor and knocked over the teapot on the small table by the bed.

Hearing the sound, Min Hengzhi came to the room in a hurry. Seeing Wan Kun woke up, he was very happy, and rushed forward to help Wan Kun up: "You child, you got out of bed recklessly when you woke up. I know how long you have slept, you haven't had a grain of rice in your stomach for a long time, so it's no wonder you don't faint."

Min Hengzhi helped him sit back on the bed, and asked Luo Ji outside to prepare something like rice soup.

Wan Kun held Min Hengzhi's hand tightly, and asked urgently, "Where is the reading? How is she? Is she okay?"

Min Hengzhi's originally stretched brows immediately frowned, sighed lightly, shook his head and said: "In order to save you, she exhausted the vitality in her body, if Xiaobai hadn't woken up at the extreme and protected her heart, so that she had One breath, now I'm afraid-"

Wan Kun was very anxious when he heard this, and held Min Hengzhi's hand to get up: "I want to see her, take me to see her quickly."

Min Hengzhi pushed him back to the bedside, and said in a deep voice: "You are like this, how can you see her? Besides, she is not here now, Rong Yue and Zhong Wen took her to the Hanjiao Lake in the Zhou Dynasty."

"Go to Hanjiaotan? Why?" He secretly panicked, it seemed that the situation was worse than he imagined.

"Although there is a glimmer of life in Nianwen, Ke Rongyue said that she has no pulse, and her heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker. Although there is vitality, it is gradually losing. She has no way to save her, so long as Nianwen can go to Hanjiaotan to touch her." Luck, let's see if Han Jiao can cure her."

Wan Kun knows something about Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen back then, and also knows that the reason why Nianwen has the ability to breathe underwater like a fish, and has the ability to exchange lives for lives is the same as the one in the Hanjiao Lake. Cold Jiao has a close relationship.

It's not without reason for Qi Rongyue to do so.

"I'm going to find her now, I'm going now." He struggled to get up, but he couldn't do what he wanted, and there was no strength in his body, like an old man whose oil was exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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