Chapter 1596

Chapter 1612

"Then what should I do?" Yun Tian looked at Nianwen with a dazed face, feeling that since coming here, the pure and bright Xiao Nianwen has changed, and he can hardly understand every look in her eyes.

"You don't have to do anything, just stand quietly beside me, hold back your oppressive aura, and prevent people from discovering your domineering skills, that's enough."

Yun Tian let out an oh, and after a moment of silence, he finally asked: "Wen'er, is the you now, the real you?"

Wen'er smiled slightly: "Me now? What am I like now?"

"He's very thoughtful, and it's different from the Wen'er I first saw."

She raised her head and looked at the tall and handsome Yuntian in front of her. The moonlight shredded by leaves was all over that handsome face. Those eyes were pure and clear, persistent and puzzled.

"Yuntian, everyone has multiple faces. When facing different people, they will show different personalities. When facing innocent friends, I am also innocent. When facing fierce enemies, I will also become Vicious, when facing a treacherous person, I naturally have to use deceit to deal with it, otherwise, I can only be at the mercy of others and die."

Yun Tian hurriedly said: "With me by your side, who would dare to hurt you?"

Wen'er shook her head: "You can be by my side for a while, but you can't be by my side forever, besides, I also have people I want to protect, my parents and younger brother, my uncle, and Wan Kun, and those All the people I care about, including you, and protection, in many cases, can not only be solved by force, and force is not a panacea."

Yun Tian didn't understand very well, but he understood somewhat. He thought he would need some time to digest and more experience to understand her words.

"Someone is here." Yun Tian said to Wen'er.

Wen'er hadn't noticed that someone was coming, but she knew that Yun Tian could hear him right, so she said, "Pretend not to know, be natural."

Pretend, this is what Yuntian knows best.

So he could only turn his back to the man so that no one could see the unnatural expression on his face.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached, and the steps were very light. He was a master, but this master might not even be able to read texts, so how could he be the military adviser who commanded the soldiers of Dongyue Kingdom?
Not waiting to see the appearance of the person coming, Nian Wen cupped his hands towards the figure, "Is it Mr. Military Advisor?"

The other coughed unnaturally, and responded with a heavy voice, neither saying yes nor no.

Thinking of what 'Xiao Ba' said before his death, since he knew that the military division would meet with his subordinates here every day to discuss matters, then Xiao Ba must have met with the military division many times, and it is impossible not to recognize whether the military division is real or not.

She raised her eyes and saw that the man's face gradually became clear in front of her eyes. He was a pale young man, but he looked about 25. He was not handsome, but he was not ugly either. In the crowd, it is difficult to find out.

When the man's eyes met hers, he obviously dodged a little bit, and deliberately turned his face sideways, as if he didn't want him to look more.

"Are you done with what I told you?" The man obviously squeezed his throat deliberately to ask.

Nianwen knew that this must be a test for the military adviser, but she was a little uncertain, did the military adviser want her to recognize that the person in front of him was a fake, or did he not want her to recognize it?
Looking at the poor acting skills of this person in front of her, she thought, this so-called military adviser, who hired such a person to act, didn't he just let her find out on purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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