Chapter 1618

Chapter 1634

She didn't feel cold at all when the ice-cold force entered her body. Those powerful forces seemed to melt into her body and be completely absorbed by her. What's going on?

She adjusted her breath for a while, and when she opened her eyes again, the eyes were shining brightly, and it was as she expected, the icy power not only did not harm her, but became part of her skill.

"Wen'er, how are you?" Chu Tianqi has been guarding her side, seeing her eyes opened, he asked hurriedly.

Wen'er shook her head: "I'm fine." She turned her head to look outside the house, and Yun Tian was no longer there, nor could she feel his presence.

"It seems that he is really gone. I really hope he can figure it out."

Chu Tianqi hurriedly asked: "What is the origin of this Yuntian? Why is it so strange to hear him speak?"

Wen'er smiled wryly: "He is such a person. Although he speaks strangely and doesn't understand the world, sometimes he looks a little cold, but he is not a bad person."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "Indeed, otherwise, he wouldn't have rescued me, but he never thought that the object of his previous conditions would be you."

Wen'er got up, walked slowly to the door, looked at the green grass in the yard, butterflies flying in the sky, the sky was still as blue as before, and the air was as fresh as before. Everything seemed to have remained the same, but she knew , the good old days should never be there again.

She has grown up, and there are some things that she has to face in person.

"I didn't expect things to turn out like this. If I knew this, I shouldn't have gone back to Beijing alone with him." But in this world, where did so many people know.

Didn't know it earlier, never did.

Chu Tianqi walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder lightly: "Don't worry, I don't think Yun Tian is an uncivilized person, maybe he will figure it out in a few days and won't bother with this matter anymore. "

"It's best like this!" She smiled wryly, she knew Yun Tian's temperament, although he was not a person who likes to make mistakes, he was not a person who would give up lightly.

"By the way, I have already sent someone to pick up Zhou'er in Xijiang, and they should be there in a few days."

Wen'er's eyes lit up, Zhou'er, her younger brother, she hadn't thought of this brother for a long time, her elder sister was really dereliction of duty.

"Thank you, Uncle!" She smiled sweetly, and the haze dissipated.

"Wen'er, how are your parents now? Why didn't they come back with you?" He finally found a chance to ask, which was one of the purposes of his trip.

Read the text and said hurriedly: "My parents and I were separated in the Zhou Dynasty, but when I came back, I had already written a letter to the King of Zhou. They must be on their way back to Beijing now."

Chu Tianqi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they are fine, as long as they are fine.

"Wen'er, in order to prevent Yun Tian from coming back to look for you again, you might as well go back to live in the palace with me, the palace is always safer than the palace."

Nian Wen shook his head: "It's useless, with Yun Tian's skill, there is no place in this world that he can't go to. If he wants to do something, no one can stop him."

She turned around and raised her eyes to look at Chu Tianqi: "Uncle, don't worry, although Yun Tian is stubborn and unreasonable, he won't hurt me, didn't you see that too?"

That's true, Chu Tianqi sighed, and said: "Then you must be careful yourself, don't be careless, if something happens, send someone into the palace to report immediately, no matter what, uncle is on your side. "

She nodded heavily: "Well, thank you uncle, I will be careful, uncle, you should pay more attention to rest, look at your face, you must have stayed up late yesterday."

(End of this chapter)

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