Chapter 1620

Chapter 1636

Yun Tian nodded: "I am Yun Tian."

"You took Wen'er away from Liuli City?" she asked.

Yun Tian nodded again: "It's me."

She glanced behind Yuntian, and even around, there was no sign of Wen'er: "Where's Wen'er?"

"She is waiting for you to go back in the palace."

The two asked and answered each other, like old friends who couldn't be more familiar with each other.

Even Qi Rongyue was surprised, why she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when facing Yun Tian, ​​they had never met before!
Especially Yuntian's eyes, when Yuntian looked at her, he seemed to have seen it somewhere before, but this face was clearly unfamiliar.

"Yun Tian, ​​have we met before?" she asked.

Yun Tian hesitated, he didn't want to lie to Qi Rongyue, but he couldn't tell the truth.

"Yes, I have seen you, but you have never seen me." This is not a lie, he has indeed seen Qi Rongyue, but Qi Rongyue has never seen him as a human being.

Qi Rongyue nodded, and asked again: "What do you want to stop Wan Kun?"

Yun Tian's gaze slowly turned to Wan Kun, and said word by word: "I want to challenge him to a showdown of life and death."

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "He is not your opponent, do you want to kill him?"

Yuntian didn't deny it, nor did he admit it.

It's just that his gaze was fixed on Wan Kun's body coldly.

Qi Rongyue asked again: "Why do you want to kill him? You don't know each other."

Even if everyone has guessed the reason, it is still up to him to say what it is.

Yun Tiandao: "There is only one Wen'er, and he can only marry one person. He and I can only live alone."

As Wan Kun expected, he stopped Wan Kun just because of Wen'er.

His purpose is very simple, and he even speaks out without hesitation.

Qi Rongyue asked: "Does Wen'er know that you do such a thing?"

Yun Tian's face changed a little, became less natural, his eyes obviously started to dodge, it seems that he hasn't learned to lie yet.

If he was facing someone else, he naturally wouldn't have to lie, but what he is facing now is Qi Rongyue.

"When, of course, she, she didn't—objection."

"Really?" Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, and asked back, also questioning.

Her own daughter knew that with Yi Wen'er's temperament, how could she not object, and Yun Tian in front of her was not good at lying at all, his lies were not convincing.

"Yes, of course." He turned his head away, looked away, deliberately put on a straight face, not daring to look directly into Qi Rongyue's eyes: "You guys go, the one I want to challenge is only Wan Kun, and it has nothing to do with you .”

Qi Rongyue said: "Wan Kun is my junior brother, his business is my business, if you want to challenge him, you must defeat me first."

Yun Tian frowned, "I won't fight with you, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"So, you want to fight with me?" The clear voice came from behind Yun Tian, ​​very familiar.

He turned around, and Nianwen's dark and dark face appeared in his eyes. When she looked at him before, she would always smile, even if she wasn't laughing heartily, there was always a faint smile on the corner of her lips. Son, it's really beautiful.

But today, there was no trace of a smile on her face.

She seemed to be angry with him, and the dissatisfaction in her eyes was almost overflowing.

"Will you go to war with me for him?" He raised his beautiful brows, his eyes were gloomy, and his heart seemed to be torn apart by something, throbbing in pain.

"Yun Tian, ​​if someone wants to kill you today, I will do the same thing."

(End of this chapter)

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