Chapter 1627

Chapter 1643

"Wan Kun, tell me, if you want to change the current situation of the emperor, what should you do?" Rong Yue asked Wan Kun.

Wan Kun glanced at the piles of memorials on the table, and said with a slight smile, "It's simple, set up a special court to review the memorials, select some young people who have unique views on politics, and have simple minds and no background influence, and let them specialize Review the memorials presented to the emperor, and then select a few courtiers who the emperor can trust, sit in the court to supervise them in turn, select important ones from them and submit them to the emperor, and the rest of the trivial matters will be handled by the supervising adults on duty. The other two supervisors will do the work of co-supervising, so that nothing will go wrong."

This is a general idea of ​​Wan Kun. How to implement it and how to allocate it in detail can be adjusted according to your own situation.

It turned out that this was how the important information of the Wan family was presented to them. It really was a good way. It not only saved a lot of time, but also did not miss important things.

Chu Tianqi also said: "This method is wonderful, why didn't I think of it before?"

"You, you only want to be a good emperor. You work hard day and night. How can you have time to think about it? Now that you're done, just follow this method. The sooner the better, your body is already weak. , don’t be so tired again.”

Chu Tianqi said again and again that he worked so hard before because he was worried that his sister's family would not be able to sleep at night, so he simply critiqued the papers. Now that they are back, he is relieved, and naturally he doesn't have to fight like this anymore.

Qi Rongyue asked: "How is the queen recently?"

The smile on Chu Tianqi's face gradually faded, and he shook his head gently: "It's not very good, she stays in the palace all day and doesn't come out. I heard that since Shangguan Tuo was defeated, she has been eating fast and praying in the Buddhist hall. Both children refused to see."

Qi Rongyue sighed, "She is afraid that she will hurt the two children, and that you will be angry with the two children because of her. She is not bad in nature, but she was bewitched by Shangguantuo for a while, and then I woke up with a word. , it's time to repent, so stop blaming her and give her a chance."

Chu Tianqi said: "I have long since stopped blaming her, it was she who refused to let go of herself, and now, she even refuses to see me."

Qi Rongyue got up: "I'm going to see her. After all, she is the mother of two children, and Hong'er is your only son. The throne will be passed on to him sooner or later. She can't be so negative."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "I think so too, but she—forget it, go and persuade her."

Zhaoyuan Hall

When she came to Zhaoyuan Hall, she saw that the maids in the hall were chatting in the courtyard in twos and threes, and no one even noticed her coming in.

Qi Rongyue coughed heavily, and those maids knew that someone had come in. Some knew Qi Rongyue, and knew that she was the princess of the country, but some didn't. Those palace ladies transferred from other palaces had never seen each other before. Passing Qi Rongyue, seeing that she was wearing ordinary coarse clothes, not as good as those of the court ladies, she thought it was someone from the laundry room who came to pick up the clothes.

"You're from the laundry room, right? Why haven't I seen you before?" A little court lady came up to her, and seeing her extremely beautiful appearance, she praised again: "It's a pity to stay in the laundry room with a look like my sister."

At this moment, a big court lady hurried forward and bowed to Qi Rongyue: "Your Highness, she is new here and doesn't know the rules. Please forgive me, Your Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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