Chapter 1630

Chapter 1646

Shangguan Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Stupid boy, why don't you even recognize the queen mother?"

Tong'er smiled and clapped her hands: "The queen mother is so beautiful today."

Shangguan Yao asked with a smile: "The queen mother didn't look good before?"

Tong'er shook her head: "It's not good-looking, like an old witch, so scary."

Shangguan Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then she and Qi Rongyue burst into laughter.

Imperial Palace

The banquet has already started, Chu Tianqi and others have already sat down, chatting happily, but they heard the eunuch outside singing: "The empress is here."

Zheng Zhongwen and others hurriedly got up to greet them, Chu Tianqi was still sitting in the main seat, he took a glass of sake leisurely, drank it down, and when he put down the glass, he raised his eyes and saw that beautiful figure coming in from the outside.

His eyes fell on the slim figure, and he couldn't look away.

This is - Shangguan Yao?

That's right, she was Shangguan Yao. Today's Shangguan Yao was very different from the Shangguan Yao he had seen in the past, very different.

"See empress." Zheng Zhongwen and others saluted.

Shangguan Yao raised her hand: "No courtesy!"

She stepped forward quickly, and brought a pair of children to kneel in front of Chu Tianqi: "The concubine sees the emperor!"

Chu Tianqi raised his hand: "Get up, there is no need to be too polite, everyone sit down, everyone sit down."

Shangguan Yao got up, raised her eyes to look at Chu Tianqi, Chu Tianqi was also looking at her, her eyes intersected, as if an inexplicable emotion had reacted in the air, she hurriedly withdrew her gaze, and looked around during the banquet, Think about what to do.

In the old family banquets, Zheng Nianwen usually sat beside Chu Tianqi, but today Zheng Nianwen sat beside Wan Kun and Qi Rongyue, there was no one on both sides of Chu Tianqi, where should she sit?
Seeing her like this, Qi Rongyue quickly pulled her to Chu Tianqi's right side, and pushed her to sit down: "You are a queen, you should sit here."

Qi Rongyue waved to Tong'er and Hong'er again, and let them sit on Tianqi's left, a family of four, neat and tidy, how wonderful.

Chu Tianqi looked at Tong'er and Hong'er who were sitting next to him, and asked with a smile, "Did you do the homework that Father gave you yesterday?"

Hong'er and Tong'er hurriedly replied: "Go back to Emperor Father, the servant is already done."

Chu Tianqi nodded, stretched out his hand to touch Tong'er's long black hair, and said with a smile, "Very good, I have to do my homework every day, so I can't let it go."

Tong'er smiled and nodded: "I understand that if I want to become as good as Sister Wen, I need to do more homework."

Looking at the interaction between Chu Tianqi and his children, Shangguan Yao couldn't believe her eyes. When did the emperor care about Tong'er and Hong'er's homework?When did you speak to the children so gently?Has the relationship between them always been like this?Or is it just today?

Until then, she realized how failed she was. In the past, she had been immersed in resentment, looking at him and the world with eyes full of resentment and jealousy, so she couldn't see beautiful things, everything It was all so unfair, but now, she looked at them with another look, but found that she saw a completely different scenery.

It turned out that it wasn't that Chu Tianqi treated her child badly, but that her eyes didn't see his good side at all.

He has been fine, but she didn't notice.

After the banquet, Chu Tianqi not only prepared vegetables for his children, but also prepared vegetables for Shangguan Yao who was sitting on the right, crystal shrimps, candied lotus root, steamed meat with glutinous rice, these were her favorites, how could he know?

It turned out that it wasn't that the emperor hadn't noticed her, but she didn't know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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