Chapter 1633

Chapter 1649

A few girls were muttering, but they saw Princess Changle walking in with a food box.

The three of them hurriedly fell silent, and turned towards the princess, and quickly moved away, but they didn't go far. Today, the princess is here. Ms. Gu in the room probably didn't expect it. There is a good show to watch this time. .

Reading texts has never liked to listen to gossip. Just now the little girls were mumbling about what they were talking about, and she didn't listen carefully. It must be some trivial matters.

She carried the food box into the courtyard, walked directly through the front hall, and came to the bedroom behind.

She rarely comes to Qingsong Residence, even though she has lived in this mansion for over ten years, the number of times she has come to Qingsong Residence can be counted on one hand.

The layout of Qingsong Residence is similar to her Yuzhu Residence, she went straight to the upper room, strangely, the door of the room was ajar, and there was a pair of shoes at the door, a pair of embroidered shoes worn by women.

Strange, how could there be women's embroidered shoes outside Wan Kun's room?She clearly remembered that women were not allowed in Wan Kun's bedroom.

Full of doubts, she pushed open the door.

The people in the room were lying on the couch in a daze, just thinking about how majestic she would be as the hostess of this Wanfu in the future, the door was suddenly pushed open, she was startled, and hurriedly jumped off the couch .

I was so nervous, didn't I say it would take two hours to come back?It's only been an hour, why did you come back?

She raised her eyes and found that it was not Wan Kun, but Princess Changle.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but then became nervous again, why is she here?What is she here for?I haven't been here for several months, why are you here again now?

Reading the text naturally saw that she jumped off Wan Kun's bed, immediately frowned, and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

Gu Xian said: "Nothing."

Nian Wen took two steps forward, his gaze shifted from her face to the bed, the sheets that should have been laid neatly were a little wrinkled because of her.

"Didn't do anything? What are you doing lying on your son's bed?" She looked familiar to the girl in front of her, and the clothes she was wearing were not the kind worn by the maids outside.

She didn't salute when she saw her, and she looked indifferent, she suddenly remembered: "Are you Miss Gu?"

Gu Xian stared directly at the beautiful face in front of her, and secretly scolded God for being so unfair, why should she be given all good things, a good family background, a good face, everything is good.

"I am." Gu Xian replied in a muffled voice.

Lianwen didn't feel that this matter could not be pursued just because she was Miss Gu.

"I'll ask you again, what were you doing lying on the son's bed just now?"

Gu Xian rolled her eyes and said hurriedly: "I was just cleaning the house for the young master, and suddenly I felt dizzy, so I sat on the young master's bed for a while without doing anything else."

Just sat on Wan Kun's bed for a while because of cloud dizziness?
Why doesn't she believe it?She is Gu Xian, the granddaughter of shopkeeper Gu, and the lady in charge sent by shopkeeper Gu to manage the backyard. Does she need to do things like beating women's houses in person?

Thinking of the chaos in Yuzhu Residence, she asked: "You are in charge of the servants in the residence now?"

Gu Xian said: "Yes."

"Why is no one taking care of Yuzhu Residence?"

Gu Xian had already thought up her speech, and knew that this day would come sooner or later, so she naturally calmed down: "Back to the princess, there are not enough servants in the mansion, and there is no one to live in Yuzhu Residence on weekdays, so I will send the servants first." The person moved to another place, if the princess comes back to live, I will naturally send someone to Yuzhu Residence to clean it."

(End of this chapter)

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