Chapter 1635

Chapter 1652

"Understood!" Wan Kun sighed a long time, and after the hotness in his lower abdomen subsided, he read to Wen Wen: "I'll go out and have a look, you just stay here and don't come out."

Read the text and nodded, I just hope that he will disappear soon, and stop staring at her burning face.

Wan Kun had never seen Wen'er who was ashamed like this, and thought it was very funny, he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead: "Silly girl, sooner or later you will be mine, why be ashamed?"

Nian Wen pushed him, puffed his cheeks and said: "Who can say what will happen sooner or later, you don't have to follow me like this, stay away from me."

She felt like a piece of meat, but Wan Kun in front of her was a wolf, a hungry wolf, who might throw her down and eat her up at any time.

Wan Kun stretched out his hand and pinched her bulging cheeks, with a helpless expression on his face: "Did you forget? There are still three months left in the one-year mourning period. How could I touch you at this time? Don't worry, there will be three months at the earliest." in a month's time."

Do not worry?What do you mean rest assured?What kind of heart do you put in this?

Wan Kun had already got out of the carriage, leaving her alone in the carriage, annoyed and frantic.

"What happened?" Wan Kun asked a young man who was watching.

The young man glanced sideways at him, seeing that he was dressed luxuriously and had an extraordinary bearing, and his attitude changed immediately, and he said with a smile: "A man died in the Banyue Lake ahead, and he said he was bitten to death by a lake monster. I don't know. Is it true or false?"

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows: "The lake monster? Where did the lake monster come from?"

The young man said: "This is all a rumor, and I don't know if it is true or not. Someone saw a huge monster in this lake last night. They said that the lake monster came ashore on the night of the full moon to absorb the moonlight. They said it was very big and terrifying. As a result, a dead body was found in this lake today, so some people say that it was bitten to death by a lake monster."

Wan Kun didn't believe in the lake monster. The Banyue Lake had existed here for hundreds of years, and he had never heard of a lake monster.

He squeezed forward until he reached the edge of the lake. He saw a bloody corpse lying on the grass by the lake. No relatives came to identify the corpse. It looked like a woman dressed in rough cloth, barefoot, and her face was swollen. She was so swollen that she couldn't see her original appearance, and there were several blood holes on her body.

He squatted down and carefully inspected the wound on the corpse. It was caused by a sharp object, but it was not a knife or a sword. It was a sharp and sharp round weapon, not a commonly used weapon. It is no wonder that these villagers would pass that this person was bitten to death by a lake monster.

At this time, people from the government came over, dispersed the onlookers, and carried back the unclaimed corpse.

He looked at Banyue Lake, the water in the lake was exceptionally calm and quiet, without even a single wave.

This was no different from the Banyue Lake he had seen before, and he didn't believe there would be such a thing as a lake monster in it.

Back in the carriage, Nian Wen asked him, "What happened outside?"

"A person died. The people said he was bitten to death by a lake monster. I went to have a look, and it must have been a homicide. The wound on his body looked like it was bitten out by sharp teeth, but it was actually a rare weapon. It has a pointed head and a round body, and the thickness of a thumb, I remember seeing this kind of thing somewhere." He couldn't remember it for a while, but he had seen it.

Read the text to answer: "The head is pointed, the body is round, the thumb is thick and thin, isn't that the iron brazing used in the blacksmith's shop?"

Wan Kun patted his thigh, "That's right, it's the brazing iron. I saw it when I passed the blacksmith's shop last time, but I didn't remember it just now."

(End of this chapter)

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