Chapter 1641

Chapter 1658

What the hell?Wanjia's industry?
Is it Wan Kun's territory?When she came to buy the jade pot last time, Wan Kun was still with her, so why didn't he say that it belonged to the Wan family?He also charged her 3000 taels of silver, 3000 taels of silver! !
After returning, she showed the jade pot to her mother, who asked her how much she bought it for, and she said 3000 taels. . .Tears flowed from the mother's smile, saying that the jade pot was only worth 300 taels at most. . .

Well, you Wan Kun, even I cheated, you really are a profiteer.

She strode into Jubaozhai, and when the staff saw a guest coming in, they rushed up to welcome them, seeing that it was Princess Changle, his face was full of smiles, when the princess came back, he came with their young master.

"The princess is here, and some are far away to welcome, some are far away to welcome." The clerk smiled flatteringly.

Wen'er glanced at him lightly, and asked, "Is the little prince here?"

The buddy hurriedly said: "Yes, it's inside, I'll take you there, little one."

The man led the princess in. The shelves outside were all good-looking but useless gadgets. The good things were all in the room inside. When the little prince came by himself, he was just in the Strolling outside, occasionally buying a novel gadget or two, and later discovering that there is a room full of goods inside, I never looked at things outside again, and went directly into the inner room every time I came back.

It's a pity that eight times out of ten, I just looked at it and didn't buy it. I did buy it these two times, but it was charged to the owner's account.

"Princess, the little prince is inside." The clerk stood at the door and didn't intend to go in. The shopkeeper inside greeted him personally, so he was not needed, and there were rules inside. He was an outside clerk, so he couldn't go in casually. .

Wen'er nodded, and pushed the door straight in. It was the first time she came back to this room. As soon as the door was opened, a very light water sandalwood scent crept into her nose. It's refreshing, and there's something else added to the fragrance, which isn't the smell of water sandalwood.

As soon as he smelled it, he knew it was Wan Kun's fragrance. It was somewhat similar to the incense in his house, but it was not exactly the same. Maybe it was improved according to the characteristics of this place.

Zheng Zhou was lying on one side of the counter, playing with a beautifully carved copper bracelet in his hand, his little face was full of excitement, and he couldn't put it down and kept looking at it.

She leaned forward and said with a smile, "Why, the little prince who is shoulder to shoulder with the palace, fell in love with women's things?"

Zheng Zhou, who was playing with the copper bracelet wholeheartedly, didn't even notice that someone came in. She startled him by her sudden noise, and kept patting his chest and said, "Sister, can you make some noise when you walk? I'm going to scare you to death."

Nian Wen snorted softly: "Is it because I didn't make a sound, or are you too focused? Isn't it just a copper bracelet, why are you looking at it so seriously?"

Zheng Zhou waved the bracelet in front of her eyes: "This is not an ordinary bracelet."

Nianwen shrugged: "That's right, the things sold in Jubaozhai, or the things hidden here, can they be ordinary things?" Her eyes stayed on the bracelet, and she saw that the copper bracelet looked ordinary at first glance, but The more you look carefully, the more you can feel its difference. The patterns carved on it are very delicate and delicate, even the gold bracelets carved by goldsmiths in the palace may not be so exquisite.

A copper bracelet, why does it take so much effort to carve these patterns?
(End of this chapter)

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