Chapter 1643

Chapter 1660

The shopkeeper waved his hands again and again: "No, no, the princess misunderstood, this thing was left behind by our boss, and the boss specifically told him not to sell it, so he wants to take it back and give it to someone else, and put it here for two days for now, today is also the little prince I saw it by chance, and I had to play with it, so I took it out."

Zhengzhou smiled and said, "Sister, Brother Kun said he was going to give it away, who is it? It can't be you!"

Nian Wen's face was slightly warm, and he gave him a sideways glance, "As long as you talk too much, I don't know who he will give it to!" She was also happy in her heart, the bracelet is something that women only wear, and Wan Kun said that she would keep it as a gift. People, naturally want to give it to her.

Nian Wen asked the shopkeeper, "Is there anything else good?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "Yes, yes, there is one more thing. It is a set with this bracelet. It was delivered to the store yesterday. Our boss hasn't had time to look at it yet. The Princess is destined."

The shopkeeper took out a square box from the lower drawer, opened the box, and found a copper ring inside. The pattern on the ring was very similar to the pattern on the copper bracelet, and it was obvious that it was made by the same skilled craftsman.

The shopkeeper took out the copper ring from the box and put it on his little finger.

The size of the copper ring was specified according to the woman's hand, so it could only be worn on his little finger.

The shopkeeper raised his hand to demonstrate in front of the reading text: "Look, princess, after wearing this ring, just press it like this, and a sharp blade will pop out from the copper ring, which can be used for close combat. Although this thin blade is small and Thin, but extremely sharp, killing people invisible."

Although this copper ring does not have the poisonous needle and poisonous smoke functions of the copper bracelet, it is still a very delicate weapon, and I like it very much when I read the text, so I said: "Your boss didn't say that you want to keep it, so you can sell it to me, right?"

The shopkeeper was a little embarrassed: "Princess, although the owner didn't say anything, it's because the owner hasn't come to see it yet. He agreed to come and see it today. After reading it, he will decide whether to keep it. If I sell it now, I'm afraid it won't work." It seems that the owner has confessed."

"Besides, princess, you are in the palace all day long, and there are many guards protecting you. You can't use this thing even if you buy it."

Read the text: "Who said I can't use it, I can use it today."

Upon hearing this, Zhengzhou hurriedly asked, "Sister, what are you going to do?"

Read the text: "Have you heard of the recent lake monster murder case?"

Zheng Zhou nodded: "I've heard that the lake monster is very ferocious, killing one person every day, and what Tian discovered today, seven people have already died."

Read the text and said: "Actually, it's not the lake monster killing people at all, but someone is doing it by taking advantage of the rumor that the lake monster is killing people. The murderer is not the lake monster at all, but a person. This person is in the city. I must catch him today."

Zheng Zhou was startled when he heard this: "Sister, does Dad know?"

"Of course I know, I just went to Banyue Lake with him and came back."

"Then he agrees with you to catch the bad guys?" Zheng Zhou asked.

Nian Wen laughed dryly: "Of course, father agrees, I'm the best candidate."

Zhengzhou didn't believe it. With his father's temperament, he wished that his sister would stay in the mansion all day, not leaving the gate, not entering the second gate, staying at home safely, so that she would not be allowed to catch any murderers.

It doesn't matter whether Zhengzhou believes it or not, she just wants to catch that flower-picking villain and doesn't care about anything else.

"Shopkeeper, I want this item. When your boss comes, tell me that I took it and put it on his account. He won't blame you."

(End of this chapter)

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