Chapter 1645

Chapter 1662

Nianwen bought a set of coarse cloth clothes worn by ordinary women in a tailor shop, then wrapped the beautiful black woman with a headscarf, and smeared some paint on the face to make the skin look darker, before the bronze mirror After taking a photo, the person in the mirror, who is still the glamorous princess of Changle, is clearly the daughter-in-law of an ordinary family.

Satisfied, she paid the shopkeeper's money and set off for Fengning Street.

It's not the first time she came to Fengning Street. The last time she came was five years ago. She and Zhou Jiao sneaked out to play while the master was away. They wandered around the streets full of noble people for a while, feeling bored Then she left, and came to Fengning Street after a random walk. Fengning Street was also very lively, no less lively than Changde Street, and the people on Fengning Street were rarely contacted by her on weekdays. Although their clothes are shabby and their pockets are shy, their faces are filled with a kind of sincere smile, which is not found on the faces of the rich people on Changde Street.

She thought it was very interesting, so she strolled here with Zhou Jiao for a while, had some snacks and a bowl of beef noodles. Although there was very little beef in the beef noodles, the soup was very fresh. She remembered it for a long time, but unfortunately later Never had a chance to come back.

Thinking of beef noodles, she finally felt hungry, and then remembered that she hadn't eaten lunch today. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, she hurriedly searched for a beef noodle shop on the street according to her memory. In the alley, she finally found the noodle shop.

The alley is very short, and the entire row is full of restaurants, and the noodle shop is the smallest of these restaurants.

The old lady was cooking soup outside, and the aroma was overflowing. There were two middle-aged men sitting in the room, who were already impatiently waiting and kept urging.

The old woman responded again and again: "Okay, okay, it will be fine soon, wait a little longer, wait a little longer."

Wen'er stepped forward and said to the old woman, "I want a side of beef noodles, put more beef, and I will pay more."

The old woman nodded: "Okay, my lady, go in and sit down." The old woman looked at the two men in the room again, with a worried expression on her face: "Why don't you eat in my room?"

It was getting late, and she came to eat alone at a woman's house, and there were other men, so I'm afraid it was not good.

Wen'er waved her hand: "No need, I'll just eat here, you're busy."

She strode into the room without any shyness like a little daughter-in-law, she behaved gracefully, facing the staring eyes of the two men, she didn't care, she didn't even look at them.

Seeing her like this, the old woman felt a little relieved, secretly thinking that this girl seems to be a bold one.

Soon, the soup was ready, and the old lady started to cook the noodles. The cooked thin noodles were poured over the soup, and then served with her own marinated side dishes and beef. A bowl of fragrant beef noodles was ready.

Beef noodles were placed on the table of the two men, and their mouths were closed when they had something to eat, but their eyes still glanced at Lianwen from time to time.

Although Nianwen deliberately painted his face dark, his facial features are still very beautiful, and his eyes are enough to seduce people's souls. Naturally, they have to pay more attention to such a beautiful little lady with a clear temperament, generous deeds and demeanor.

The more I looked at it, the more itchy my heart became. Finally, the tall and slightly fat man said: "Young lady is out to eat noodles by herself at this moment. Could it be that she was kicked out by her husband's family?"

(End of this chapter)

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