Chapter 1647

Chapter 1664

But this move is two taels of silver, and you don't need to look for it. How generous is this?

When Wen'er turned around, she saw that the man was still looking at her. Disgust appeared in her eyes, and the corner of her eyes glanced at the ground. The man was wearing a pair of black cloth shoes, and his trousers were navy blue coarse cloth trousers.

Very ordinary pants, also very familiar.

She didn't think much, just left, walking on Fengning Street, the more she thought about it, the more something went wrong.

The man had beastly eyes, reddish-black skin, and navy blue trousers.

If you talk about it alone, it might not be a big deal, but if you add these things together - her eyes suddenly lit up, as if a bright light was shining in front of her eyes.

She turned around quickly and went back to the noodle shop. The old woman was clearing the table, holding a half-filled noodle bowl in her hand.


Seeing her go and return, the old woman thought she was asking for money, so she quickly put down the bowl in her hand and took out the silver ingot from her pocket: "Is the lady here to ask for money? Take it."

Nianwen waved his hand, pointed at the empty table in front of him and said, "The man who was sitting here eating noodles just now, is gone?"

The old lady nodded: "Let's go, it's strange to say that he could finish eating in the past, but today there is so much left over. Could it be that my soup is not cooked well today?" This one is left, and the first two are left too.

Wen'er smiled and said: "It's none of your business, your soup is very good, really, but they have no appetite today, look at me, haven't they all eaten?"

The old lady nodded with a smile, "Yes, I tasted it myself, and it's no different from the past. Maybe they really don't have a good appetite today."

Wen'er asked again: "Do you know the man who was sitting here eating noodles just now?"

The old woman said: "I know him. He is the blacksmith in the old Mo blacksmith's shop in front. Everyone calls him Blacksmith Mo."

Wen'er felt that the light in front of her eyes was getting brighter, and asked again: "Are you familiar with him?"

The old lady shook her head: "I'm not very familiar with him. He doesn't like to talk, and he doesn't like to socialize with others. He walks alone all day long. When he comes to my place to eat noodles, he never makes a sound, and he leaves after eating."

"How long has he been running a blacksmith shop here?"

The old woman waved her hand: "The blacksmith shop has been open for many years, but he hasn't been here for long, that is, he only came last month. Lao Mo left after he came, saying he was visiting relatives, but he never came back. He's in charge of the smithy."

Wen'er seemed to smell something unusual again: "So, he is Lao Mo's son?"

The old woman nodded: "That's what Lao Mo said. It's strange to say that Lao Mo has always been an old bachelor. Why did a son appear suddenly? When the big guy asked him, he just smiled and didn't answer. He disappeared within a few days People asked Xiao Mo, he only said that Lao Mo went to visit relatives, and he didn’t say where he went to visit relatives, which is quite strange.”

Wen'er asked the location of the blacksmith's shop and left in a hurry.

The old lady looked at Wen'er and felt strange: "This lady asked Blacksmith Mo what to do? Could it be that he fell in love with him? No way, Blacksmith Mo looks gloomy. This lady is so beautiful, how could she fall in love with him?" Blacksmith Mo like this?"

When Wen'er came to the blacksmith's shop, it was completely dark, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, and the shops were closed one after another. There were no street lights on the side of the road, and the lighting depended entirely on moonlight.

The door of the blacksmith's shop was also closed, and there was no light inside. She was about to lean forward to take a closer look, but suddenly heard a deep male voice from behind: "What are you looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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