Chapter 166 Lack of Marriage (additional chapter)
"Oh--how did you sit around and sit stupidly just now, and didn't ask anything that should be asked!" He patted his forehead again: "You are really stupid."

After drinking the medicine sent by Sangui, he fell asleep and slept until evening. When he woke up, his throat felt much more comfortable, and his dizziness symptoms also improved a lot. Sure enough, with her here, any illness is no problem.

"Sangui—" he shouted.

Sangui, who was eating hot roasted sweet potatoes outside, heard the eldest son calling him, so he hurriedly opened the door and went in: "My lord, are you awake?"

Zheng Zhongwen looked at the dark sky outside: "What time is it?"

"One hour and one hour!"

He hurriedly threw off the quilt and got off the bed, pulled off the clothes hanging on the side and put them on, and asked anxiously: "Rongyue—oh, I mean, how is Miss Qi?"

Sangui swallowed the glutinous sweet potato in his mouth, and said with a smile: "It's all right, she baked this sweet potato, it's delicious!"

When Zheng Zhongwen heard this, he immediately grabbed the sweet potato from his hand and stuffed it into his mouth: "I'm hungry, is there any more?"

Sangui was dumbfounded, although the son was not as particular as Mr. Yin and acted more casually, but he never took food from his mouth!
"Yes, and, Miss Qi specially left two for you in her room. She told you to go there when you wake up!" Before Sangui finished speaking, Zheng Zhongwen's figure had disappeared like a gust of wind. In front of him.

The door of the next room was ajar, and as soon as he walked to the door, he heard Mrs. Liu's high-pitched laughter coming from inside: "Miss, you really know how to joke, how can I be a lucky person, a rich family like you Miss, you have such a brother who loves you so much, and when you get married, your husband's family will not dare to bully you, so you are truly blessed."

Qi Rongyue pursed her lips and smiled lightly, not denying it.

Mrs. Liu asked again: "Is Mr. Zheng married?"

Qi Rongyue glanced at Mrs. Liu, and said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law married two years ago and gave birth to a son."

Aunt Liu looked disappointed, and then asked again: "Can Na have a concubine?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No, my sister-in-law won't let me go, and my brother doesn't like it either. They have a very good relationship."

The disappointment on Mrs. Liu's face became even stronger, she sighed and quickly changed the subject: "Miss, you are so good-looking, you will definitely marry a good man!"

At this moment, the door was pushed open, Zheng Zhongwen stepped in, and he said to Mrs. Liu with a half-smile, "My sister naturally wants to marry a good man!"

Mrs. Liu saw that Mr. Zheng's complexion was not right, and knew that he must have heard her asking about his family affairs, and she was upset, so she hurriedly got up: "You talk, you talk, I'll cook."

Zheng Zhongwen walked to the carbon basin and sat down. Seeing that the door was closed, he said: "Why didn't I know that I married a wife two years ago and gave birth to a son?"

Qi Rongyue smiled and said: "I was afraid that she would be a matchmaker for you and save you trouble. What, I, a good person, did something wrong?"

Zheng Zhongwen snorted: "How do you know that I will think it is a trouble? Maybe I will be happy?"

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "That's not easy. When she comes later, I'll tell her to let her bring out all the good girls, how about it?"

Zheng Zhongwen cut it, and said: "You have already said what you said, and it is hard to take it back. How can you tell others? After a while, people will think I am a liar!"

Qi Rongyue laughed: "Look at what you mean, are you cheating on me?"

"Yeah, it's just that you are blackmailed, who let you ruin my good marriage."

"What should I do? People often say, I would rather destroy ten temples than demolish one marriage. This is really a great sin for me!"

"So you have to remember that what you owe me will be repaid in the future."

His eyes were bright, and under the reflection of the carbon fire, there was a strange light. She turned her head away and sighed: "This debt is really uncomfortable, I have to pay it back quickly."

"Sir, let me tell you, isn't the sweet potato baked by Miss Qi delicious?" Sangui came in with a smile, and fixed his eyes on the three sweet potatoes beside the carbon basin: "Hey, you didn't eat it, my lord. Then I'll help you eat one!"

Zheng Zhongwen quickly grabbed the three sweet potatoes in his hand: "Don't think about it!"

Add another chapter, don't feel too little????
(End of this chapter)

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