Chapter 1672

Chapter 1690

Yin Mingzhu didn't expect that she really knew her, but was taken aback: "Did the Princess remember?"

Nian Wen smiled lightly, and didn't say that she remembered or didn't think of it. She didn't want to embarrass her too much, so she changed the subject and said, "I wonder how brother Ling is?"

Yin Mingzhu was even more surprised: "I don't know which brother of mine the princess is talking about?"

Wan Kun who was at the side answered, "The new champion of the Marquis of Wenchang, Yin Shuwei! It should be your cousin."

Mentioning Yin Shuwei, Yin Mingzhu blushed slightly, with shyness in his eyes: "Yes, Cousin Shuwei is very good." Then he reacted again and looked up at Zheng Nianwen: "The princess knows Shuwei Cousin elder brother?"

Read the text and nodded: "Yes, I met him in Jincheng at the beginning, but after returning to Kyoto, I have never seen him, and I don't know how he is doing recently."

Wan Kun said, "He's fine, we met last night."

Reading the text suddenly: "You said that there was a social event last night and you were drunk. Could it be that you went to drink with Brother Yin?"

Wan Kun nodded with a smile: "Exactly. I haven't seen you for two years. Brother Yin doesn't seem to have changed at all. He's still the same as before, just as drunk."

Nian Wen gave him a coquettish look: "It sounds like you can drink a lot."

The heart that Yin Mingzhu raised at the beginning, after seeing the intimate dialogue and interaction between the two, she calmed down a little.

I can't help worrying, the Princess of Changle in front of me has a face that even women would like to see, coupled with his noble status and pleasing personality, I'm afraid no man will turn a blind eye to such a girl.

After saying a few more polite words, Yin Mingzhu said goodbye and left Tianyi Pavilion.

The man brought the refreshments, and the two sat down to have tea and chat.

"Bring me here to buy clothes? Why is the shopkeeper gone? Why don't you bring some clothes out for me to choose."

The box of unopened clothes in her home was also made by Tianyi Pavilion, but she never noticed the difference between the clothes in Tianyi Pavilion and the clothes in other stores.

"What's the hurry? It'll be here later." He pushed the plate containing the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of the reader: "The sweet-scented osmanthus cake here is sweet and soft, you'll like it, try it!"

She rubbed her stomach and shook her head: "I can't eat anymore, but it looks good. I'll let the guy pack it up and I'll take it home for supper."

Wan Kun nodded his nose dotingly: "Why do you still eat late at night, be careful to become fat."

Nianwen squinted at him: "What? If I become fat, you don't want me?"

He nodded heavily: "Well, no, I don't want fat people, I can't even sleep in the bed, I don't want to be squeezed to the floor by you."

She was so amused by his serious nonsense appearance that she almost couldn't help laughing. This guy is obviously not good at telling jokes, but he can make him laugh every time. A joke that is not a joke to others, but she feels it Very funny.

Shopkeeper Yu came back in a hurry, holding a big red bag in his hand, "The princess has been waiting for a long time."

Lianwen stopped laughing, and waved his hands casually: "It's okay, what are you holding? It's wrapped like a treasure."

Shopkeeper Yu grinned from ear to ear: "Isn't it a treasure, just look at it!" He untied the bundle, took out a bright red robe from the bundle and shook it out. The Ruyi pattern, the Ruyi pattern is like a moving cloud. Every time it moves, the cloud is changing. The clothes are held in the hands of shopkeeper Yu. I can’t see the specific style. I only feel that the fabric pattern is very exquisite. The phoenix patterns embroidered on the cuffs are even more beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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