Chapter 1681

Chapter 1699

He didn't look carefully at the people in the garden, maybe he knew some, but he didn't want to force himself to socialize, which was not what he was good at.

Now he only thinks of a place where there are no people, to get through this banquet quietly, and leave here early.

Zhao Suying watched the man she liked walking towards her step by step, and watched him walk past her without looking sideways, and watched him go to the lotus pond without even looking at her.

How could this be, did he really not see her?
The girl beside Zhao Suying also looked embarrassed, what's wrong with Mr. Yin?Eye disease?Miss is such a big living person, yet he didn't see it?

Zhao Suying calmed down, and said with a light smile, "He seems to be preoccupied, maybe he really didn't see me." She was not reconciled to giving up like this, and she couldn't just give up like this when she finally waited for the opportunity.

Looking around, seeing that no one noticed her side, she lifted the corner of her skirt and went to the lotus pond.

The girl followed behind her, her face turned pale: "Miss, is it not good for us to go through like this? If people see it, I'm afraid they will gossip."

At such a banquet, it is a kind of honor if a man takes the initiative to come to talk, and it looks like the girl is attractive, but if the girl runs after the man, the gossip will flood the sky and cover the sky.

Zhao Suying said: "We just went to appreciate the lotus and met Mr. Yin by chance."

While speaking, she had already arrived at the bank of the lotus pond, and Yin Shuwei was still walking slowly, following the gravel path beside the lotus pond, and slowly walked up the arch bridge.

Today he was wearing a black and plain jade brocade robe with a cloud-patterned brocade belt around his waist, and a beautifully carved warm yellow jade pendant with him. The long hair behind his head was black and shiny, and he looked sideways at Hechi's eyes. As clear as lake water, he seems to have just stepped out of a painting, no, wherever he is, it is a painting.

"Young Master Yin." She quickened her pace and chased after him.

Yin Shuwei turned around, and his eyes fell on her lightly: "Miss, what's the matter?"

Looking at his indifferent and calm gaze, without any waves, her heart sank suddenly. He really didn't recognize her, he didn't recognize her.

"Master Yin doesn't recognize me?" She didn't give up.

Yin Shuwei raised his eyebrows: "Should I recognize you?"

Zhao Suying suddenly felt a little wronged, no, very wronged, she was thinking about him, but he didn't even remember who she was.

"Master, you really forget things too much!" She looked gloomy and didn't know how to introduce herself.

Seeing the young lady's appearance, the maid next to her was very distressed, and hurriedly said to Yin Shuwei: "Mr. Yin, at the He family banquet last year, my young lady rescued you, don't you really remember?"

Speaking of this, Yin Shuwei still had some impressions, and hurriedly said: "You are Miss Zhao?"

Zhao Suying's eyes lit up, it turned out that he hadn't completely forgotten her, maybe because he hadn't seen her for a year, he couldn't remember her appearance clearly.

Zhao Suying blessed him: "Suying has met the young master."

Yin Shuwei hurriedly cupped his hands: "Miss Zhao is polite."

Zhao Suying raised her head with a blushing face, seeing this dreamy face approaching her eyes, her little heart was beating faster and faster: "I really didn't expect to meet you here today, Young Master. It seems that Young Master rarely attends such banquets."

Yin Shuwei nodded: "Yes, I really don't like it very much."

Zhao Suying asked again: "Why did the young master come today? Could it be that the elders in the mansion forced the young master to come?"

(End of this chapter)

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