Chapter 1694

Chapter 1712

That's why they hide from the world and no longer appear in people's sight. Occasionally, there will be spirit-blood clansmen who are unwilling to be lonely to come out to do evil, but they must be a minority, and they have not attracted the attention of the higher-ups. They are just ordinary small cases.

Unexpectedly, this escape from the world lasted for hundreds of years. The people of the Spirit Blood Tribe have not entered the world for a long time. Most people don't know what the outside world looks like, let alone what is good and what is evil. They just be themselves want to do.

But once someone breaks away from the spiritual blood race and enters the world, and makes friends with kind people, it may awaken the goodwill in their human nature, but if they encounter bad things as soon as they enter the world, or make friends with heinous people, then they are very cruel in the first place Temperament, will become more brutal.

This night in the capital city was peaceful and calm. Almost all the people in Baoyueju stayed up all night. Until dawn, there was still no sign of the murderer.

They didn't dare to relax. After resting during the day, they still stood firm all night the next day, but there was still no sign of the murderer.

Five days passed like this, and the people in the city began to complain, complaining that the officers and soldiers ruined their wonderful nightlife, complaining that the gates of the city were closed early, and complaining that patrolling guards could be heard passing under their windows from time to time, making them unable to sleep all night. stable.

There were also different voices in the court, saying that the side-by-side king made a big fuss, causing panic in the city.

Others said that the side-by-side king was as timid as a mouse, but he escaped a prisoner and made such a big commotion, like an enemy army with thousands of horses and horses invading the capital city.

Some people even wrote a memorial to impeach Zheng Zhongwen, saying that he used his power for personal gain, disregarded the safety of the people in the city, insisted on going his own way, and ignored the laws of the country and the people.

Although Zheng Zhongwen didn't care about these rumors, but if these rumors spread too much, it would inevitably cause some unnecessary troubles.

Chu Tianqi deliberately kept Zheng Zhongwen behind after the early court, and showed him piles of papers. Those courtiers in the court who were originally dissatisfied with the Zheng family all seized this opportunity to impeach them. Knowing that it won't have any big impact on Zheng Zhongwen, but disgusting, he still did it.

"Brother-in-law, what is the situation? Is it really so serious?" Chu Tianqi didn't know the strength of the Spirit Blood Race, and Zheng Zhongwen didn't tell him about the dangerous situation last time, because he was afraid that he would be too worried.

"Your Majesty, the prisoner who was rescued is nothing to be afraid of. What is terrible is the person who rescued him. Because the son of the prisoner committed many crimes, we have already executed him on the spot. When the prisoner Mo Xiaode was arrested, he also I have suffered a lot, and with their spiritual blood nature, this revenge must be avenged. For the safety of the people in the city, I made these arrangements as a last resort, in order to minimize casualties. Those who have nothing to do, don't understand things clearly, only know how to make up for it, and when they are doing business, they collectively lose their voices, making trouble very quickly."

Chu Tianqi naturally believed in Zheng Zhongwen, if he couldn't even believe in Zheng Zhongwen, then in this world, he would never have anyone he could trust.

But right now, there are a lot of court discussions and complaints from the people. As the emperor, he can't pretend he didn't see it.

Seeing that Chu Tianqi was really in trouble, Zheng Zhongwen sighed: "Forget it, they don't want to be protected, they only want to enjoy themselves for a while, and we can't force them all the time. I'll let my brother go back to rest today."

(End of this chapter)

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