Chapter 1707

Chapter 1726

When Yun Tian heard that Nian Wen mentioned him, he seemed to be worried about his safety. He was overjoyed immediately, and walked leisurely to Wen'er's side: "I will live in your yard today, and I won't go anywhere."

Wen'er frowned, and quickly glanced at Wan Kun, only to see Wan Kun say, "That's what I planned too. Today I will live with me in Wen'er Courtyard, and there happens to be a guest room that has been cleaned up."

Seeing that Wan Kun had no objection, Wen'er naturally wouldn't say anything more. The current situation doesn't seem to be the time to discuss and avoid suspicion.

It is better to gather together than to spread out.

After a while, the servants of the Wan family brought the things over, a total of four boxes, carried in by eight people.

Wan Kun looked at the people carrying the boxes, frowned suddenly, and said to the two people in front, "Where's Manager Qian? Why didn't he come?"

The young man who carried the box shook his head blankly: "I don't even know, but the boy next to Manager Qian asked us to send it."

The servant next to Manager Qian?
Manager Qian didn't have any servants at all, and there was only one accountant who followed him for many years, and there was absolutely no one else besides him.

"Do you know that boy?"

The young man shook his head, "I don't know him, he said he is the servant of Manager Qian, his name is Alai."

Wen'er leaned over to Wan Kun's side and said, "There are four boxes, the last two are obviously heavy, but the person carrying the boxes is light in footsteps, there is a problem."

Wan Kun naturally noticed it too, otherwise he wouldn't have questioned a servant like this.

He nodded, then pointed to the eight people carrying the box and said, "You all, stand here, there is a reward."

The eight people stood in a row, and Wan Kun's sharp eyes swept over one by one. The four people standing on the far right had obviously different expressions from the six people in front. They showed half-joyed expressions. The four of them were not tall, but their skin was extremely dark. Standing together with the other four, their skin colors were in sharp contrast, like four mountain people who had been suffering under the sun for many years.

Wan Kun pointed to the guy who had just asked the question, "Do you know all the others?"

The guy glanced at the four people on the right, and said: "I don't know them, they came from behind, and said that Manager Qian added something else, let them carry them into the mansion together with them."

The people of the Spirit Blood tribe spoke with a heavy accent, as if they were talking with their tongues rolling, and it sounded like the accent of the southern area.

Wan Kun pointed to the four people on the right and asked, "Which shop are you guys from?"

The dark-complexioned young man slowly raised his half-drowned head, his eyes were firmly fixed on Wan Kun, and the original respectful expression on his face instantly disappeared, revealing traces of cruelty and bloodlust.

"It seems that we don't need to pretend anymore. Since you have already doubted our identities, why don't you directly touch us? What are you talking about?" The young man who was the leader of the four said to Wan Kun, his voice was cold and heartless.

When the other four guys heard this, they hurriedly backed away. Wen'er waved at them: "Hurry up and leave? Don't you know what to do?"

The four of them nodded hurriedly: "I know." They ran away, and after running a few steps, they wanted to call the assassin loudly, trying to attract the expert guards in the mansion.

However, at the moment when they opened their mouths, tiny silver needles pierced into their backs, causing all their words to be choked in their throats.

(End of this chapter)

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