Chapter 1710

Chapter 1729

And his eyes were also submerged in darkness, completely submerged.

The knife in Wan Kun's hand was covered with blood, and the light-colored brocade shirt seemed to have been splashed with blood, even Qingjun's face was not spared.

Just when Nianwen was about to praise Wankun for his decisiveness and quick strikes, the second child, who had fallen to the ground, stood up again, his figure was much taller, his face was originally dark and evil, and he looked ferocious like a devil .

He only has one hand left, and he can no longer use swordsmanship and boxing. Seeing his brothers die tragically one by one, he knows that he can't get out alive today, so he will use his last life to avenge his brothers.

Everyone's attention was always on the fourth child. Unexpectedly, the second child who fell to the ground secretly finished burning blood. At this time, his internal strength increased greatly, and he could easily finish them off with only internal strength.

Yuntian guarded Nianwen and Qi Rongyue and retreated step by step, with a solemn expression on his face. The last fight with Mo Xiaode's son is still deeply in his memory. Protect everyone.

However, the other party didn't give him more time to make other arrangements, and the unimaginable internal force rushed towards them like a tornado.

Yun Tian released a powerful internal force with one hand, and the shield turned into a wall to protect Qi Rongyue and Nianwen, while the other hand used the power of ice, trying to push back the opponent's tornado.

He thought that he would not succeed easily, and he exerted all his strength with this palm, but unexpectedly, the second child in front of him was thrown flying without even receiving Yun Tian's palm.

Not to mention Yun Tian, ​​even Wan Kun, who had been slightly injured by the shock of his inner qi, was amazed. The last time he fought against their so-called boss, the power that erupted from that man was simply desperate. Invincible and powerful, the second child in front of him is obviously far worse than his elder brother, even if he also uses the blood burning skill, he still cannot cause harm to Yuntian.

The second child climbed up from the ground with one hand, and stared at Yuntian with horror in his eyes: "You are not human, you must not be human, what are you? What are you?"

Yun Tian sneered: "I'm not a human, what are you? A monster? A monster who only knows how to kill and drink blood?" He raised his hand and slapped his second child to the ground again.

The second child gritted his teeth and got up, roaring: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Seeing that his face changed drastically, Yun Tian recalled the previous battle, and immediately shouted at Qi Rongyue's reading behind him: "Go quickly, you guys go quickly."

However, although he realized that something was wrong, it was already too late for Nian Wen and Qi Rongyue to leave.

The second child raised his head and roared wildly, the courtyard was gradually filled with wind and sand, and an extremely powerful force burst out along with his body.

Wan Kun immediately stood in front of Qi Rongyue and Nianwen, and tried his best to block the next wave of powerful air currents for them.

Yun Tian still stood at the front, using his natural and powerful strength of the Hanjiao clan to contend against that force, until the storm that rose from the ground in the courtyard gradually subsided, and his body also fell down.

Wan Kun almost fell down with Yun Tian, ​​and Qi Rongyue and Nian Wen also suffered internal injuries to varying degrees, but fortunately Yun Tian and Wan Kun were protecting them, and their injuries were not serious.

Yun Tian fell into a coma again, exactly the same as last time.

The strength of the spirit-blood clansmen may vary, but when they chose the last violent body, they were all equally powerful. If it weren't for Yuntian, they would have died on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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