Chapter 1725 Are you happy today

Chapter 1744

"I said, can you die to the princess now? She and Mr. Wan are just a couple. She doesn't have you in her eyes at all. Even Yuntian's status in her eyes is higher than yours. So you As far as she is concerned, it is just a friend, an ordinary friend."

"Stop talking—" he interrupted her rudely, he knew all this, he knew it all, and no one needed to remind him.

"You don't need to take care of my affairs." Yin Shuwei gave Yin Mingzhu a fierce look, turned around and left.

Yin Mingzhu was extremely aggrieved, tears rolled down her eyes, why he still couldn't see how she was kind to him.

Why, knowing that he can't get that person, he just keeps obsessing over him.


Wan Kun sent Nianwen back to the palace and bought her candied haws on the way. Seeing that she was eating happily, he asked with a smile, "Are you happy today?"

She nodded: "Happy!"

"Since when have you been happy?" he asked again.

She was chewing candied haws, and her mind started to run at high speed. This guy Wan Kun is like this. The more calm he asks, the more he cares about the result, so he must not answer casually. If the answer makes him uncomfortable Happy, he promises to black face immediately, and he won't be able to eat the candied haws he bought, full of vinegar jars, for a month.

"Since when did you become happy? Of course it wasn't when I left the palace. It must have been when I saw a handsome young man get off his horse in front of the tower in the Crane Tower."

Wan Kun immediately curled the corners of his lips, and his eyes were filled with bright smiles. This girl obviously followed his reply, but he just loved to listen so much.

"Happy?" she asked with a smile.

Wan Kun nodded: "Happy!"

"Then when did you start to be happy?" She asked back, with a feeling of retribution for a big revenge.

Wan Kun looked up at the sky speechlessly, "I've been happy since the beginning."

"So you've been unhappy up until this point?" she asked.

He nodded, and nodded seriously: "My fiancée goes to a restaurant to drink with other men, do you think I will be happy? If I go to a restaurant to drink with other women, what will you think?"

Nianwen shrugged: "I haven't tasted this kind of taste before, let me taste it next time, and I can answer your question."

Wan Kun was angry and funny, and reached out to pinch her pink cheeks: "You bad girl, who wants your man to get along with other women like you."

Read the text with an innocent face: "I didn't, you were the one who started this topic first, so you can't blame me."

He clasped her wrist, affectionately: "Wen'er, let's get married next month!" He couldn't bear the annoying flies around Wen'er anymore, as long as they got married, they should give up and leave Alright.

Wen'er blushed and shook her head: "No, who wants to marry you."

"Wen'er, I'm serious, I'm not kidding."

"I mean it too, no kidding."

"I don't care, we will get married next month, there is no need to discuss."

"I don't care, I won't marry next month, there's no need to discuss it."

The afternoon sun was very hot and warm, just like their mood at the moment, surrounded by the warm sun and captured by enthusiasm.

They began to look forward to, looking forward to that day.

Although she is not yet ready to be a wife.

Although he still doesn't know what to do to be a good husband.

Although they still don't know how to be the parents of a child.

In their eyes, there is only each other. They think that as long as they have each other, life will be perfect.

 The story is coming to an end. If you are a friend who is short of books, you can read Shepherd Boy's new book "The Miraculous Doctor and Farmer Girl, Mensao Husband Can't Feed You Enough", which has been serialized for free with nearly 20 words.

(End of this chapter)

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