Chapter 1727

Chapter 1746

So the people who did this must not be ordinary people, at least not ordinary people.

The Wanjia's intelligence informants are all over the streets, and it is not difficult to find someone who spreads such rumors about the princess.

"My lord!" Wan Kun clasped his fists in salute, and saw the torn apart table in the room with his eyes.

"My lord knows?" Wan Kun asked.

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "Understood, it's outrageous, these people are too courageous, dare to spread such rumors."

He looked at Wan Kun, and saw that his face was calm, and he looked confident.

"It seems you already know who it is."

Wan Kun smiled lightly and nodded lightly: "That's right, I already know."

"Who is it?" Zheng Zhongwen asked anxiously, really wanting to tear the mouth of that rumor maker to pieces.

Wan Kun said: "Peng Linlang, the daughter of the Peng family who is going to marry into the Marquis of Wenchang."

Zheng Zhongwen was taken aback: "Peng Linlang? Is that the Miss Peng who is going to marry Yin Shizi?"

Wan Kun nodded: "That's right, it's her. She met Wen'er and Yuntian in Tianyi Pavilion that day. Her maid was very domineering. She couldn't recognize Wen'er in men's clothing. She spoke very rudely. Wen'er taught me a little lesson." I turned her over, maybe I have a grudge."

Zheng Zhongwen snorted coldly: "She is really courageous, thinking that since she was born in Peng's family and has an old man who is the prime minister, she can do whatever she wants in this capital city? Doesn't she even think that we are side by side with the palace? "

Wan Kun said: "My lord, it is not suitable for you to come forward in this matter. After all, you and Zuo are officials in the same dynasty. If the quarrel becomes tense, the emperor will be in trouble. Let me handle this matter."

Zheng Zhongwen knew Wan Kun's ability, although this kid was young, he acted vigorously and resolutely, he was more shrewd and stable than his father back then.

"Alright, it's up to you to come forward in this matter, don't worry about anything, do whatever you want, don't forget, there is me behind you, and the emperor, and the emperor and I will not allow anyone to slander you wantonly. Wen'er."

Wan Kun nodded: "I know, since Peng Linlang dared to do this, she is obviously ready to accept punishment. The biggest thing she has to do now is to marry into the Marquis of Wenchang's mansion. As long as she starts from this aspect, she will have her own way." Opportunity to relish the fruits of what you have sown.”

Today is the family banquet of the Peng Mansion, and the protagonist is naturally Peng Linlang. In half a month, Peng Linlang will marry into the Marquis of Wenchang's Mansion. She is a member of the Marquis of Wenchang's Mansion. Mr. Peng, the left minister, has always loved this daughter very much. Thinking that her daughter will soon be married , specially prepared this family banquet, so that everyone can be lively together.

Halfway through the banquet, everyone finished eating and started chatting with each other. The fifth young lady, Peng Linlan, who was sitting next to Peng Linlang, quietly pressed her lips into Peng Linlang's ear and said, "Second sister, have you heard? Princess, she is a prodigal woman, and now everyone in the capital knows about it."

Peng Linlang pursed her lips: "Even you have heard of it, how could I not have heard of it?"

"What are you two muttering about there? Look at Second Miss's smile, what a happy thing, can't the big guy listen to it too? Let's have a good time together."

The person who spoke was Aunt Xue from the mansion, she was the mother of the fifth young lady, she was very favored on weekdays, and even the fifth young lady was also proud of it, today's family banquet, no other aunts came, but she was the only aunt who attended the banquet , it can be seen that her position in Mr. Peng's heart is not shallow.

Peng Linlang pursed her lips and smiled, "It's nothing, it's just a joke."

Aunt Xue looked at Peng Linlan and gave her a wink. Peng Linlan understood and put on an innocent and cute look: "That's right, it's just a joke heard in the market, and it's nothing funny."

(End of this chapter)

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