Chapter 174
That's right, now that you've decided to gamble, why hesitate?
The woman made up her mind, and the suspicion in her eyes dissipated in an instant. She leaned over and unbuttoned her husband's clothes. Following Qi Rongyue's instructions, she even unbuttoned his underwear, revealing the man's strong belly.

She quickly plunged the silver needle into the acupoint, the technique was extremely fast, and nine needles were applied in a row. After the nine needles penetrated the body for a few breaths, the man who had been frowning and moaning finally stopped moaning, and his dull eyes gradually became enlightened. Cai, he blinked, and said to his wife in surprise: "I don't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt at all!"

When the woman heard this, she covered her mouth happily, tears kept falling, she won the bet, she won the bet!

Qi Rongyue ignored them, counting the time and began to withdraw the needle again. After the needle was withdrawn, the woman hurriedly asked: "Miss Qi, what disease does my husband have? It hurts for so long, why did you take this injection?" Tie it down, and he'll be fine right away?"

Qi Rongyue said: "I didn't get one injection, but nine injections. Also, he didn't recover, it only relieved his pain temporarily. If he really recovers, he needs to expel the contents of his body." Otherwise, the pain will come back again, and by then, it will only hurt more."

The woman was puzzled: "Something in his body? Is there anything in his body?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Of course there are." She glanced at the pale man and asked, "Did you see the color of urine when you urinated?"

The man blushed, and said: "I saw it once, it's a little different from the past, and, and—"

Seeing his faltering expression, she continued, "Besides, you will feel pain when you urinate, and you will urinate from time to time, but you can't stop urinating, right?"

The man looked surprised: "You, how do you know?"

"I'm a doctor!" She took it for granted.

But the people he saw were all doctors, why didn't they know?
Qi Rongyue got up and went to the table to prescribe the medicine. Her handwriting was very correct, every stroke was very regular, as if the handwriting was carefully written by a child who was just practicing handwriting, without personal characteristics or aura.

Of course, this is not her original handwriting, nor is it Qi Rongyue's handwriting, she just deliberately wrote it like this to hide the secret.

Seeing that the young lady had finished writing the prescription, Xue Er quickly took it and quickly dried the ink, and then handed it to the woman: "Madam, this is the prescription, you take it, hurry up and ask the servants to grab the medicine!"

The woman pointed to the medicine cabinet outside and said, "Don't you have medicine in Rongyu Hall!"

Xue'er said: "Our Rong Yu Tang only sells proprietary medicines, such ordinary herbal medicines, please go to other pharmacies to get medicines."

This lady had heard about this rule before she came here, and she still didn't believe it at the time. There are some medical clinics that don't sell medicines, isn't this just pushing the white money out?
Unexpectedly, such a thing really happened, this Miss Qi is really a strange person.

The woman didn't say anything more, and handed the prescription to the servant: "Grab the medicine according to the prescription, and take someone who understands medicine, don't make any mistakes."

The servant took the prescription in response, and quickly stepped back and left.

Qi Rongyue said to the couple: "Just taking medicine is not enough, you have to do some special movements as I said, which will help expel the accumulated stones in the body."

The woman hurriedly asked, "What is this accumulated stone?"

Qi Rongyue said: "Accumulated stones are small stones accumulated in the body. Over the years, they have accumulated from small to large. They are stuck in a certain place. If they remain still, they can live in peace. They don't feel much on weekdays. But once the accumulated stones If the location is moved, it can bring great pain to people, and if the severe cases cannot be treated in time, once other diseases are caused, they may even die from the pain!"

Qi Rongyue spoke indifferently, as if life and death could only be controlled by her talking and laughing softly.

Upon hearing this, the man lying on the bed quickly asked: "Then how should this stone be excreted from the body? If it can't be excreted, what will happen?"

"I'll do my best. I'm not completely sure whether I can get rid of it, but I'm sure I can save your life. You don't have to worry about it. Just do what I say. Although I'm not [-]% sure, you can There are also seventy percent, so relax!"

(End of this chapter)

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