Chapter 1743

Chapter 1763

Saying these words is just to scare her, making her speak so sharply, is she still the second lady of Xiangfu now?

"Yes, I don't dare." She picked up the rag that was thrown aside, spit on it twice, and stuffed it back into Peng Linlang's mouth.

Hmph—she wouldn't dare to sell her to a black brothel, wouldn't she dare to humiliate her bad habits?She has often suffered in front of her for her domineering spirit in the mansion, and today she has avenged her revenge.

What is Tiger Falling in Pingyang Being Bullied by Dogs?She really tasted this kind of taste, and regret is not enough to describe her current mood.

She had a good hand of cards, but she made a mess of it all by herself.


Side by side with the palace
The family sat around the table, and Zheng Nianwen put a piece of thin white fish into Zheng Zhongwen's bowl: "Father, I heard that the second lady of the Peng family was sent to Jingye Nunnery, did you do it?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "No, it was Kun'er who did it. After all, Prime Minister Zuo and I were officials in the same dynasty. Although I have a higher rank than him, it is not easy to use this kind of family affairs to suppress him, so this matter was left to Wan Kun." hand."

Zheng Zhou said: "It deserves it, my daughter's family has such vicious thoughts, and she casually spread rumors to smear a girl's reputation, this time she is reaping the consequences."

Zheng Nianwen couldn't even remember what that Peng Linlang looked like. He just remembered that he had scolded him twice at the gate of Tianyi Pavilion that day, and he didn't do anything too extreme. I didn't expect that she would hold a grudge in her heart and still be there. Spreading such vicious words in the public has damaged her reputation, that is to say, she has a big heart and doesn't take it seriously. If it were another girl, she would have the idea of ​​committing suicide.

Qi Rongyue said: "It's okay, through this incident, let everyone in the capital know that it's not that you can just talk about anything, and it's because many people didn't let go of this sentence. In my heart, this time is also a good time for them to remember."

Zheng Nianwen threw a piece of tofu into his mouth, and said vaguely: "It's just a pity, Shizi Yin, who could have married a beautiful lady."

Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile: "I'm afraid they have to thank you. If a person like Peng Linlang enters their Yin's house, they will cause trouble sooner or later. Their Yin's family can avoid this catastrophe, which can be regarded as a virtue."

Qi Rongyue also said: "Yes, I have met Mr. Yin, a very good young man, without the marriage of the Peng family, there will naturally be better choices."

At this time, the butler came in and said to Zheng Zhongwen, "My lord, Mr. Yun is here and is waiting outside."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly said, "Please come in quickly."

Yun Tian soon appeared in everyone's sight, still dressed in white, with a slightly more easy-going demeanor.

This is the first time he has visited the palace since he moved to the newly bought house three days ago.

"I'm bothering you again." He smiled, and then sat down at the table familiarly, and someone immediately brought the bowls and chopsticks.

"Brother Yun, you must have come here to smell the aroma of my vegetables, right?" Zheng Zhou looked at Yun Tian with a grin, and liked this strange but not so strange young man from the bottom of his heart.

Yun Tian said: "That's right, since I ate your food, even the food at Tianxiang Restaurant, I can't even swallow it."

Zheng Nianwen looked at Yun Tian and murmured in his heart, where did this guy get so much money?

Since the last time he said that he was going to move and bought a house, he thought it was just a small courtyard, but who would have thought that he would spend a lot of money to buy the Chen family compound which is just across the street from the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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