Chapter 1745

Chapter 1765

Yun Tian was happy: "If you like it, take it, and I'll give another one to your sister later."

When Wen'er heard this, he quickly took Ye Mingzhu: "No need, no need, this is good. Zhengzhou is still young, so it's useless to ask for this. I'll accept this." A Ye Mingzhu is worth hundreds of thousands Jin, this gift is too heavy.

"By the way, you just said you wanted to ask me for help, what exactly is it?" Wen'er asked.

Yun Tian was still smiling lightly, his clear eyes were shining brightly, he seemed to be smiling a lot recently, his face was no longer as cold as before.

"When I bought a house, I wanted to add furniture. I want to replace all the old things in the house with new ones, but I don't know much about this, so I want you to give me some advice."

Wen'er frowned slightly, and was about to decline, but Yun Tian said again: "I have already made an appointment with Baihuitang to look at the furniture this afternoon, you can go with me."

Wen'er held Ye Mingzhu's hand tightly, and after several deliberations, she still refused him: "Brother Yun, originally you opened your mouth, and I should try my best, but I'm afraid it's not good for this kind of thing, after all It's up to you to do the housekeeping, or—"

Yun Tian smiled more and more: "Or what?"

Zheng Zhou answered, "I know, I know, when it comes to buying household items, you can either do it yourself or your wife. Brother Yun, you asked my sister to help you with the shopping, but you want my sister to be your wife."

Yun Tian was overjoyed when he heard this, and stretched out his hand to rub Zheng Zhou's top hair: "You boy, you really know how to pick people to listen to, yes, I just want your sister to be my wife, if I were your brother-in-law, Do you agree?"

Zheng Zhou also smirked: "It's not something that can be done if I agree or not. My parents, my sister, and brother Kun must all agree."

Mentioning Brother Kun, Zhengzhou said again: "Brother Kun also wants my sister to be his wife, what should I do? I only have one sister, but I like both of you, so you can't break half of it with one person!"

Qi Rongyue was really angry and funny at her son's words, and hurriedly reprimanded: "Zhou'er, don't talk nonsense, what is half of one person, how can there be such a thing, adult's business, you child, don't interrupt."

Zhengzhou stuck out his tongue, got up and said, "Forget it, you adults continue to talk, I am going to go." He has to go to Jubaozhai, maybe he can meet Brother Kun. Brother Kun, you should be able to get a reward. I heard that Jubaozhai has recently released a batch of new products, all of which are peerless treasures, and they are easily hidden from others, even he has never seen them.

After Zhengzhou left, Zheng Zhongwen also got up, he is not good at dealing with such mother-in-law matters, especially. . .Both young men were very nice, and he liked them both. . .Well, he just doesn't want to hurt anyone. Let the young people solve this kind of thing by themselves, and only they know who they really like.

Qi Rongyue couldn't keep herself out of the matter like Zheng Zhongwen did, Wan Kun and Yun Tian were very important people to her.

Wan Kun is the only son of the master, and the child she watched grow up, no different from her own child.

And Yuntian has a deep relationship with her, and she also has a special feeling for Yuntian.

They are all good enough to be worthy of Wen'er, but as Zhou'er said, there is only one Wen'er, no matter what, there must be a choice.

(End of this chapter)

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