Chapter 1747

Chapter 1767

After leaving Baihui Hall, Rong Yue took Yun Tian to Xianhe Tower.

"Have you been here?" The top floor of Crane Tower was two floors higher than when she first came here.

Yun Tian nodded: "I've been here, last time I came with Nian Wen." That meal is still hard for him to look forward to.

Qi Rongyue walked to the window and looked at the hazy and mysterious Chu Palace in the distance, "Do you know why the Crane Tower can become the number one restaurant in the capital?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "I don't know, isn't it because the food is delicious?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "Of course not, whether the food is delicious or not, there are only a thousand standards for a thousand people, and no one can determine which restaurant's food is better."

Yun Tian thought for a while, and it was indeed the truth, and asked again: "Then why did it become the number one restaurant in Kyoto?"

Qi Rongyue's eyes are always on the Chu Palace in the distance, the plants and trees there are still so familiar, it is the place where she was born and where she grew up.

"Because standing here, you can see the most unique scenery in Kyoto City."

Yun Tian walked up to her, followed her eyes, saw the majestic and majestic Chu, saw the endless palace dormitories, and saw the beautiful garden full of flowers. It was different, he could see more.

"It turns out that standing here, you can see the scenery in the Chu Palace. No wonder, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter the Chu Palace to see its style and scenery. As long as you stand here, you can see the appearance of the Chu Palace. I'm scrambling to think of coming here."

Qi Rongyue turned around, sat back at the table, and poured two cups of tea for herself and Yun Tian: "I brought you here today, not to accompany you to see the scenery, but to tell you a story, a real one, that happened to me The story on the body."

Yun Tian happily sat down beside her: "I like listening to the stories of you humans the most, they are really rich and colorful."

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, and pushed the teacup in front of him: "This story is a bit long."

"I'm not afraid of growing up, the longer the better." There was excitement in his eyes, listening to stories here was better than going back to that empty house.

Qi Rongyue first took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, and her thoughts gradually returned to the past. The scene and things in front of her seemed to be the same as before. ,

"You also know that I was not like this in the past. My original name was Chu Tianyu. I was the eldest princess of the Chu Dynasty and the current emperor's biological sister."

"The first time I came to Xianhe Tower, I came with my fiancé at that time. He treated me very well. I thought that he was the true son of my life, the destined other half of my life. We will eventually meet Together, have children, live happily ever after."

Yun Tian frowned, the person she was talking about didn't seem to be Zheng Zhongwen, but another man?
"Unfortunately, things backfired. The year we got engaged, he persuaded me to go to Laiwu Mountain to learn a teacher. I thought he just hoped that I could live a more exciting life instead of being locked in this cage like a canary. Forever."

"Everything is different from what I thought. He sent her away for his revenge plan. He kept saying that he loved me, but secretly colluded with the bad guys and killed my father and mother."

"That year, I died under the knife of my enemy. Although he didn't do it himself, he was also one of the ones who contributed to the flames. He may have regretted it, or regretted it, but so what, the facts are established, what is regret and regret? use?"

(End of this chapter)

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