Chapter 177
Ya Tou soon led a middle-aged man into the house. Dr. He is an old acquaintance in the Qi mansion. Whether it is the master or the servants in the mansion, if they have a headache, they usually invite him to come and see. Mrs. Liang didn't give a damn, and immediately began to diagnose and treat Qi Chenghao after greeting him with acquaintance.

After Dr. He saw the young master's illness, he immediately checked his pulse and temperature, and his complexion gradually became serious.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liang's heart sank even more, and she hurriedly pursued and asked, "How is it?"

Dr. He shook his head and sighed: "It's not very good, I'll prescribe a medicine and try it first!"

"Try? What do you think my son is? Is my son just for you to try?" Liang raised his voice and said sharply.

Dr. He was not sure at all, seeing Mrs. Liang like this, he immediately took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey and said, "Since madam refuses to try, then please ask madam to find another expert!" Dr. He immediately grabbed the medicine box and rushed out the door, Afraid that if he was a step too late, he would be stopped by someone, he knew very well in his heart that this young master was the lifeblood of the Qi family, if something happened to him, his clinic would never open again , Maybe even go to jail.

Seeing that Dr. He had run away, Mrs. Liang immediately ordered the servants: "Hurry up, go to the doctor, and bring me all the famous doctors in Pengcheng!"

The servants hurried out, even though it was the third day of the Lunar New Year, even though the medical center hadn't opened yet, naturally they could find the person they were looking for.

But within an hour, the doctors rushed to the Qi mansion one after another, and at this time Qi Chenghao's condition was even worse than when Doctor He was there before.

Qi Chenghao has completely fallen into a coma, his eyes are sunken, his skin is yellow and dry, as if most of the flesh and blood in his body have been sucked out in this short period of time.

Liang was so anxious that she burst into tears, and didn't know what to do. Seeing the doctors coming one by one, she didn't dare to say anything harsh, and sincerely asked the doctors to save her son quickly.

After the lady's examinations one by one, all of them showed distressed expressions. Someone proposed to use the anti-cold medicine first, and then the anti-diarrheal medicine.

Some people also say that it is not enough to use only antidiarrheal medicine, but also to add solid essence medicine.

Everyone was chattering and expressing their opinions, everyone advocated different treatment methods, each had his own opinions, no one was willing to obey the other, and the room was in chaos.

Mrs. Liang had no idea, and stood aside in a daze, when Qi Yongchun got the news and rushed over. As soon as she saw her man coming, she immediately rushed forward crying, and was about to say a few words, but was caught by Qi Yongchun. He pushed it away mercilessly, and walked straight to his son's bed.

Qi Yongchun said in a deep voice: "What's the situation now?" After all, he is a man, and he is a prefect of a state, with a bit of official majesty on his body. Tell the situation one by one.

Qi Yongchun frowned when he heard it: "You have said so much, but it seems that you didn't get to the point. Whether my son can be cured or not, you just have to give us an accurate opinion. As for how to cure it, that's up to you. thing."

Several doctors looked at each other, unable to utter a word, let alone such a serious illness, even if it was a minor illness, none of them dared to assure the patient's family whether it would be cured!
They have long been used to exaggerating the patient's illness. Small ailments can tell big ones. If they are cured, they appear to be capable. method.

(End of this chapter)

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