Chapter 1778

Chapter 1800

Wan Kun saw that everyone looked tired, and that he needed to work hard to handle this case well, so he nodded, "That's fine, let's stay here first."

The best inn in the city is owned by Wanjia, and it is also one of the only three inns in the city.

After entering the inn, Wan Kun showed his identity, so the shopkeeper naturally didn't dare to neglect, and led them to the best Tianzi room and Dizi room.

There are two sky rooms and three ground rooms, a total of five rooms, but the shopkeeper only took out the keys of four rooms.

There were 13 of them in a group, and they were squeezed into four rooms. Naturally, it was a bit crowded.

Wan Kun pointed to the innermost Tianzi room and asked, "Is that room occupied?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "My lord, that room has just been booked, if you could have come earlier, the villain would not have given him this room."

Wan Kun glanced back at the guards, frowned and asked, "Is there room down here?"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "Young master, there is no one left."

He Chong, who was standing behind Wan Kun, asked: "In the past, there were not many people living in the inn, why are there so many people living in it today?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: "You didn't know when you came here. Recently, the fishing villages by the sea have been attacked by mysterious people. Many people died, and even more people disappeared without even finding their bones. People in the fishing villages are still alive. If we continue to live, we can only take refuge in the city, hey - some people can't afford a room at all, the villain is really pitiful when he sees that the room is empty, and the room is empty, so he takes in some people to live, my son, if-"

Wan Kun waved his hand: "Forget it, let's squeeze in by ourselves, don't bother them, let them continue to live, and don't treat them harshly with meals, let them have enough food and clothing."

The shopkeeper was overjoyed and agreed again and again. In the past, he used his own private money to help these people. Now that the son has spoken, he can use the public account. He no longer has to be scolded by the mother-in-law all day long.

Wan Kun walked towards the Tianzihao room in the middle, and when he approached the door, he felt an unusual but familiar chill, too familiar.

At this moment, the closed door of the next room suddenly opened, and a young man in white came out from the door. He was tall and tall, handsome and elegant.

The four eyes met, and both of them had expressions of surprise on their faces.


"Wan Kun?"

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

The two asked each other questions in unison, and suddenly laughed again.

Yun Tiandao: "We are really destined, we are so far away from the capital, and we can meet again."

Wan Kun also smiled: "Yeah, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Mo Cong came forward: "Master Hou, who is this?"

Wan Kun introduced to him: "He is Master Yuntianyun, my friend."

Mo Cong cupped his fists toward Yuntian: "My servant, Mo Cong, is the deputy general of Habayashi Wei."

Yuntian smiled and nodded: "I'm Yuntian, I'm alone." He turned his head to look at Wan Kun: "You came to Beihai this time, and you brought so many people with you, you don't think it's just to see the scenery?"

Wan Kun asked without answering, "What about you? Where did you go after you left Kyoto? Why did you come to Beihai at this time?"

Yun Tian smiled and said, "I was the one who asked first, shouldn't you answer me first?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "Which one asks questions first?"

Yun Tian said: "Then let me ask you another question. I heard about your wedding with Wen'er, but you must be very sorry that you didn't go to it?"

Wan Kun shook his head again: "No, I'm very happy that you didn't go to participate, and I want to thank you."

 Friends who are short of books can read the new book of the shepherd boy, Miracle Doctor Farmer Girl: Mensao Husband Can’t Get Enough

  what the hell?She turned from a great doctor in the 23rd century to a small peasant girl in a mountain village in another world!

  The grandmother is vicious and ruthless, and the aunt is mean and calculating. In order to have enough food and clothing for a day, she has no choice but to roll up her sleeves to do the work, plant the fields, cure the disease, and abuse the scum.

  What?Grandmother is short of money for medical treatment?Cousin has no money to marry?Cousin wants to borrow money to study?

  roll!As far as history goes, go as far as you can! !
  "My lady, I'm hungry—"

  "Husband, I feel that my body has been hollowed out, please let me go—"

  Husband turned out to be not Mensao, but really-sao-ah! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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