Chapter 1787

Chapter 1809

The waiter hurriedly said: "Young master, the villain just remembered something. After the villain took the food from the kitchen, he met Mr. Yun as soon as he came out. He said he wanted to see what you guys had for dinner, so the villain showed it to him, but He didn't do anything, and the villain couldn't tell whether it had anything to do with him."

Wan Kun's heart sank suddenly, Yun Tian must be him.

He didn't want them to go to the ice field, he wanted to go alone, but he was afraid that he and Mo Cong would not listen to his dissuasion, so he used this trick.

Thinking about it, if others wanted to harm them, why would they just drug them?
He said to the shopkeeper: "Please take good care of my companions for me. They have been drugged, and now they are all asleep. It's freezing. Go and help them to bed and cover them with quilts."

He was about to leave when the shopkeeper hurriedly stopped him: "My lord, where are you going? It's getting dark outside here."

Wan Kun said: "I'm going to the ice region. The sea monster cannibalism must be resolved as soon as possible. I'm going to find out the truth. Don't worry, I won't act recklessly."

He turned around and walked out of the inn gate, led his horse and quickly drove it out of the city.

The shopkeeper stood at the door, his eyelids were twitching, and his hands were trembling uncontrollably: "What should I do? What should I do? What is the status of the young master, how can he go to the ice field alone? If you really meet What about sea monsters?"

"Quick, hurry up and notify the government, let them send people to reinforce the young master, but don't let the young master get into trouble."

The clerk looked puzzled: "Shopkeeper, have you forgotten? All the people who can be dispatched in the government have already gone to the ice area, but unfortunately none of them came back. Now there are only a few guards in the government. Where else can anyone go to reinforce them!"

Yes, there is such a thing, the shopkeeper was anxious, and forgot about it for a while.

"How can this be good, Rubao is good!"

The waiter said: "Young master is very skilled in martial arts, and what did you say just now, he will not act rashly, as long as you don't go to the beach and stay far away, the sea monsters probably won't be able to find your whereabouts."

That is to say, but who can guarantee that his son will not go near the sea?If not close, how to investigate?
After Yuntian left the city, he came directly to the ice region, to the place where he had been yesterday, and stood quietly by the sea, letting the icy seawater gradually soak his shoes and socks.

He was sure that more than one cold dragon would come today, maybe he could see his father today.

Today's sea is surprisingly calm, completely different from yesterday.

The silver-like moonlight shone on the sea, peaceful and beautiful.

If there is no chaos caused by the cold flood, the fishermen here should live a happy life.

Because of their greed and cruelty, many families were destroyed and devoured. Those lovely people, what did they do wrong?
Why suffer such a catastrophe?

Is it only because the power of the cold dragons is greater than that of humans, that they can unscrupulously attack humans and ravage humans like nothing?

As far as the Dragon Clan is concerned, how noble and inviolable is the existence of the Dragon Clan?
The strength of the Dragon Clan is unmatched by the Jiao Clan, but the Dragon Clan has never invaded the Jiao Clan.

Isn't the peaceful coexistence of high-intelligence species a life consensus?Haven't they ever thought about the consequences of this unilateral destruction and relationship imbalance?
(End of this chapter)

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