Chapter 1790

Chapter 1812

The cold flood wailed, and angrily spat out a mouthful of cold breath.

Yun Tian quickly rushed to Wan Kun, and dragged Wan Kun to a safe place.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't I tell you not to come?" Yun Tian roared angrily.

Wan Kun said: "How can I let you come here alone to take risks, no matter what, I will fight side by side with him."

At this time, Han Jiao's first wave of attack had already arrived in front of the two of them, he threw Wan Kun away several feet away, and hit the wounded Han Jiao that became very crazy with a palm wave.

Hanjiao clearly saw his slap towards him, but still rushed forward without dodging. In its eyes, human beings are as small as ants, and his slap might not even be worthy of tickling him.

But when that hand touched its jiao skin, it felt a powerful force rushing into its lungs, causing colic pain in its internal organs, and its huge body collapsed on the beach, lost ability to continue fighting.

Yun Tian turned his head to look at Wan Kun on the other side, but saw a scene that made him pale with panic. Another adult Frost Dragon flicked its long tail and directly shook the long sword in Wan Kun's hand, shaking his whole body. Fainted out, Han Jiao opened his bloody mouth, stretched out his long tongue, and actually rolled the unconscious Wan Kun into his abdomen.

He rushed forward quickly, and was about to rescue him, but when he encountered that Xiaohan Jiao blocking his way again, he simply kicked that Xiaohan Jiao to the ground.

The adult Han Jiao saw that he was so powerful that his two companions fell under his hands, knowing that he was also invincible, so he simply retreated into the sea.

Yuntian pursued him closely, and he entered the sea as the cold dragon entered the sea. On the bottom of the sea, his strength would only be stronger than on land.

Time cannot be dragged on, Wan Kun will definitely not survive if he stays in its womb for a long time.

He quickly dived under the belly of the cold dragon, and punched him hard in the stomach.

Han Jiao was in pain, and quickly opened his mouth, and Wan Kun, who had just been swallowed by it, was spit out in one gulp.

Wan Kun is still in a coma, and it is not known whether he is still alive.

He kicked the injured Frost Dragon away, swam forward and hugged Wan Kun, wiped off the mucus stuck to his mouth and nose, and spit out a huge bubble, putting him in the bubble.

At this moment, he felt a familiar breath and power approaching him, he looked sideways, his eyes turned azure blue in the cold and dark seabed, and he could clearly see
Everything under the sea.

He saw several cold dragons swimming towards him, and the one in the middle was his father, who had lived with him for hundreds of years.

His eyes shone with azure blue light on the bottom of the sea, and this kind of light was obviously beyond the reach of ordinary humans.

Elder Agu was stunned, these eyes, these eyes are real. . .too familiar.

Its son, the son who was supposed to live in the cold pool, also has a pair of such eyes, usually looks like the blue eyes of ordinary cold dragons, but when it is in the water, its eyes will turn blue , just like the human eyes now.

It saw with its own eyes that he severely injured its people with one punch. How could human beings have such power?
"Who are you?" It suddenly opened its mouth and asked him in Jiao language.

Yun Tian stared at it fixedly, his father raised him and took care of him, although he didn't give him much love, but after all he raised him up and taught him many skills, it was always his father, Although now they are different from humans and animals.

(End of this chapter)

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