Chapter 1793

Chapter 1815

"Okay, let's go back first, let's talk when we go back." Afeng turned around and jumped into the sea.

Ah Wu's eye is useless, if he wants to cure this eye, unless there is someone from the same race who is willing to sacrifice his inner alchemy, who would do that?Even Ah Wu's parents would probably not agree.

Once Han Jiao loses the inner alchemy, although he will not die immediately, he will become very weak, and his long lifespan will be greatly shortened because of this, at most he can only live for another three to five years before dying.

No one is willing to exchange their own lives for the lives of others, the price is too high for them to bear.

Three Frost Flood Dragons were injured within one day, and this matter would naturally reach the patriarch. The Clan Head soon came to check on the injuries and asked the injured Frost Flood Dragons about the situation at that time.

It knew about the fact that human beings can speak Jiaoyu last night, and didn't pay much attention to it at the time. After all, human beings are different from their Hanjiao tribe. Human beings are very studious, they can learn everything, and they can learn it, and they live in the world for a long time Yu Hanjiao, it's just that their personal lifespan is not as long as Hanjiao's.

Flood language and Dragon language are very similar. It has long been heard that some humans can speak Dragon language, as well as general animal language. Now it is not too unusual for someone to speak Flood language.

It's just that he didn't expect that a human being who could speak Jiaoyu could injure three Frost Jiaos at the same time by himself. This kind of power was simply unheard of.

How many such humans are there in the world?
It doesn't need thousands of such human beings, just a dozen or so can make their entire Jiao clan perish.

The patriarch was very angry, and called Elder Agu to the side to reprimand: "From the very beginning, I objected to you taking the clan to prey on humans. Our Hanjiao clan lives deep in the sea, and we have never invaded each other with humans. There is a reason for this." Yes, do you think that human beings are as easy to deceive as you see? There are tens of thousands of human beings, who can give birth to countless children every year and grow up in ten years, but what about us? There were more than a hundred people at the beginning, and now there are more than a few dozen people. Although we are powerful, we will never be the opponent of the other party in terms of numbers. They will always find a way to eradicate us and will never let us continue to endanger them. possible."

The way of heaven has always been fair. It has given them the powerful strength and long lifespan of the Hanjiao clan, but it also gave them some restrictions. Compared with which female Hanjiao can only have one child in a lifetime, and the newly born Xiaohanjiao , It is very difficult to survive. For thousands of years, the new life of the Hanjiao tribe is pitifully small, only a few in total.

The old Hanjiao gradually died, and their population became less and less, less and less.

And now, they provoke the resentment of humans. . .

Agu didn't speak, his heart was overwhelmed, excited and worried at the same time.

"Speak up, when you came back earlier, you didn't intend to eat humans. This time you suddenly disappeared for a while and then came back, and your temperament changed drastically. You dared to take the younger generation ashore to prey on humans behind my back. Tell me , why do you want to do this?"

It didn't believe that Agu would do these things for no reason, there must be some reason it didn't know.

Agudao: "Patriarch, I was wrong this time. I was impulsive and provoked a fight with humans. I didn't expect that there would be such a strong opponent among humans."

The patriarch asked: "Have you seen it?"

Agu nodded: "I have seen it."

"Did you fight?" the patriarch asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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