Chapter 1813

Chapter 1835

Agu said: "What I said to him has nothing to do with you. Don't think that you can control the world because you are the patriarch. I, Agu, am not these cowards behind you."

The patriarch is so angry that his liver hurts, but he can't attack it at this time. After all, Agu is not an ordinary clan dragon, he is the son of the former patriarch. It is said that Agu should be the patriarch, but now he is doing it. Originally, there were clan members who refused to accept it, and after Agu came back, they fell directly to Agu's side. Although Agu is only an elder now, his power is no less than that of the patriarch.

Otherwise, this incident of cannibalism ashore would not have happened.

"Agu, don't forget the precepts of your ancestors. Our Hanjiao and human races do not offend each other, and we must never go ashore to eat people. Now that you have made a big mistake, you must not make the same mistake again and again. I am here today because I am afraid If you persist in your obsession, you will commit murder again."

Kill evil?Eating a few humans is called killing evil?
Why did Ah Xin say this about him, and Ah Dong also said that about him, they are the majestic Hanjiao clan, their nobility is second only to the existence of dragons, what is it to devour mere human beings?
Seeing Agu's gloomy eyes, the patriarch Adong's heart also sank a bit, it said: "Listen to Ajiu, they bumped into you and that human being talking in Jiao language, is there such a thing?"

Agu glanced at Ajiu coldly, and Ajiu hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at it. He regretted that he should have told the patriarch these words. Say it, isn't this harming them? Elder Agu's methods are very powerful, and they will be miserable this time.

"That's right, he is the man in white from last time, and he understands Jiao language." Agu didn't deny it either, since he was smashed by them, if he denied it, it would make him more suspicious anyway.

Patriarch A Dong asked again: "What did you all say? How did he learn the Jiao language?"

Agu shook his head: "I didn't say anything, I wanted to eat him, but he promised to send me more people, so I let him go."

A Dong didn't believe it, that human being was powerful, even A Gu might not be his opponent, what A Gu said, the star was a fake.

"It seems that Elder Agu is unwilling to talk about it. It's okay, it's normal to have secrets, but I hope you will stop everything in moderation and don't make mistakes again and again."

After saying that, Patriarch A Dong turned around and prepared to go back to the sea.

It said to Ajiu and Achang who were trembling with their heads down: "You guys go back with me, I have some ice jade beads, which can be used to heal your wounds."

Ajiu and Achang looked at each other quickly, and immediately understood that the patriarch said those words in front of elder Agu just now, the purpose was to anger patriarch Agu, and patriarch Agu was dissatisfied with them, and he was bound to take revenge on them, so at this time, the patriarch A little sweetness for them means putting them on the patriarch's side.

They didn't think much, and it's useless to think too much. The current situation of love is like this, and they don't have a good life if they stay.

Ajiu and Achang thanked the patriarch, and immediately followed the patriarch into the sea.

Only Agu was left alone on the coast. It looked coldly at the direction Ashin left. There was a town where human beings gathered. There were many human beings living there. It was delicious and tempting. Although it didn’t eat it, it could I also enjoy the feeling when killing them, very carefree.

Its favorite wife has left it forever, this kind of hatred, this kind of hatred, even if it kills all the people in this world, it feels that it is not enough, far from enough.

(End of this chapter)

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