Chapter 1837

Chapter 1859

"Mother, don't worry, I will definitely come back alive. You, Dad, and Wan Kun are the people I love the most. I will never abandon you."

She turned her head and looked at Wan Kun who was unconscious on the bed, distressed and helpless: "Mother, take him away, find a safe place to wait for me, and help me take care of him. If I don't come back, no one is allowed to look for me." , no one is allowed, I will come back by myself, no matter how long it takes, I will come back by myself."

Qi Rongyue held her daughter's hand tightly, she didn't want to let go, she didn't want to let go, this is the child she raised on the tip of her heart, the flesh that fell from her body, but now, she can only helplessly Watch her go on adventures while she can't do anything.

"Mother, I'm leaving, take care of yourself." She peeled off her mother's hand holding her tightly, turned and left resolutely.

Can no longer hesitate, the more hesitant, the more reluctant.

Yuntian is not only her friend, but also the savior of their whole family. Without Yuntian, there would be no Zheng Nianwen, and without the complete Zheng family, even Wan Kun would not exist in this world.

No matter what, if she wanted to save Yuntian, she must save him, no matter what the cost.

The city was in chaos, everyone ran out of the city, she followed the flow of people out of the city, and after leaving the city, she walked in the opposite direction of the flow of people.

"Girl, you're going the wrong way, you should go this way." A middle-aged man stopped her, pointing to the other side of the stream.

Nian Wen smiled and shook his head: "I didn't go wrong, I'm going to find someone over there, I'll be back soon, you go first."

The man nodded: "Okay, girl, you have to be careful, the sea is about to overflow, you can't go too far, you have to come back here quickly."

Reading the text looked at the man gratefully: "Thank you!" She suddenly remembered that she still had a bag of money on her body, and hurriedly took it out, stuffing the money bag into the man's hand: "Uncle, please help me keep these things. I’m afraid I’ll run into robbers with it on me, so go to the place of refuge first, and I’ll come to you.”

The man felt his hand sink, he knew it was money, and immediately wanted to refuse to accept it, but the girl had already left, walking very fast, he wanted to chase, but in the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared without a trace.

"Could it be that this girl doesn't want to live anymore? Otherwise, why would you give me the money you have on your body?" A woman came over and said, "Master, what are you mumbling about here? Hurry up and leave."

The man hastily stuffed the purse into his pocket, pulled his wife away with the flow of people, and headed for a high ground where he could take refuge.

Nianwen walked all the way north, and saw the turbulent sea water coming towards her from a distance, instead of stopping, she quickened her pace and walked towards the icy waves.

This is probably the most tragic fight of the Han Jiao for more than a thousand years. Adong joined forces with dozens of Han Jiao to besiege Yuntian. Yuntian was already injured and tried his best to defend against the enemy, but his physical strength was limited after all. Only the cold dragon was killed by his hands, and several cold dragons were beaten by him so that they could no longer get up, but the most powerful A Dong still stood firm, and he gradually began to lose the wind.

Ah Dong proudly looked at Ashin, who was physically exhausted, "Ah Xin, you are in a hurry to surrender now, as long as you tell me what I want to know, we can still coexist peacefully in the future."

If it was Yuntian in the past, Ashin who had not yet turned into an adult, he might really believe what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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