Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 185 The Achilles' heel

Chapter 185 The Achilles' heel

Si Yuan shook his head, looked haggard, and sighed helplessly: "Actually, the master asked me to come. The young master is ill, and the water and rice haven't been eaten for two days. The master is afraid that something will happen to the young master, so he specially asked me to invite the young master to the Marquis of Wenchang, please. The son of the world, untie the solution, Mr. Xie."

Zheng Zhongwen was anxious, and hurriedly said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go." He pulled Si Yuan and left, stopped after walking a few steps, turned to look at Si Yuan and said: "What's wrong with your son? ?”

Si Yuan sighed again: "What kind of disease can it be? Lovesickness disease. Miss Qi is in Pengcheng Luoya, life and death are uncertain. He was forced to come to the capital by the master. He is concerned about Miss Qi's safety day and night. There is no news for a long time. This is the disease." fall down."

Sure enough, it was because of her, Zheng Zhongwen felt awkward for a while, and Yixuan really fell in love with her.

Seeing Zheng Zhongwen stop in a daze, Si Yuan urged: "My lord, get in the car!"

Zheng Zhongwen returned to his senses, glanced at Si Yuan, and nodded: "Okay, let's go!"

There are some things that cannot be solved by avoiding them. Facing them directly is more useful than avoiding them.

Wenchang Houfu
North courtyard study
"Master, what did you say in the letter?" Mrs. Yin asked Yin Hongwei.

After reading the letter, Yin Hongwei's expression didn't relax, but became more gloomy.

He let out a long sigh, and said: "The letter said that Qi Rongyue returned to Rongyu Hall unscathed."

Mrs. Yin Er stood up from her chair in shock, and immediately burst into a smile: "Really? She really came back alive? Thank God, thank you Bodhisattva for protecting me, let me just say, good people will be rewarded, This child doesn't seem to be short-lived, as expected, God really has eyes!" Mrs. Yin clasped her hands together, and said a dozen lines of Amitabha!The benefactor's daughter is still alive, and she can finally let go of her entangled heart for so long.

Mrs. Yin raised her eyes to look at her husband, saw that his expression was not right, and asked again: "What's wrong with you? Rongyue is still alive, are you unhappy?"

Yin Hongwei sighed: "Of course I am happy that she is still alive, but I am just troubled in my heart. Yixuan has such a deep love for Rongyue. In the future, Rongyue may become Yixuan's weakness, and even become his most fatal weakness. For Yixuan, it is definitely not a good thing."

Mrs. Yin understood the scruples in her husband's heart, and she had the same thought before. However, the relationship between children cannot be manipulated by people's imagination. Once the root has taken root, it may be even more difficult to pull it out.

Mrs. Yin Er asked her husband, "Master, what are you going to do?"

Yin Hongwei thought for a while and said, "Ma'am, I have an idea. Do you think it is feasible?"

"Let's not talk about the fact that Rongyue is still alive, let Yixuan hide it from Yixuan, and let him slowly accept the 'fact' that Rongyue is dead. Good girl, maybe he will like it when he sees her, and gradually she will forget about it. Let him stay in Beijing with peace of mind these few years, and don't let him go back to Pengcheng. In the future, even if he knows that Rongyue is still alive, but then At that time, he had already married a wife and had children, and a girl like Rongyue was so proud and arrogant that she would never commit herself to being a concubine, so all the possibilities between them were cut off."

Mrs. Yin Er sighed: "In fact, Rongyue told me long ago that she has no affection for Yixuan. She said that she and Yixuan are not even friends. It's our son's own wishful thinking. That's good, it's better to stop early, lest my son have to be sad again."

(End of this chapter)

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