Chapter 193 Kidney Disease
Shopkeeper Fan's expression froze, and he hurriedly pushed the door open and entered. As soon as he entered, he saw Mr. Wan lying on his side beside the bed and coughing violently.

Xu coughed too violently, and Mr. Wan's eyes were red with moist corners.

Mr. Wan has just passed forty this year, and his appearance looks mediocre, but the charming look in his eyebrows can't make people associate him with mediocrity.

Shopkeeper Fan quickly rushed to Mr. Wan's side, gently stroking his back, taking care of Mr. Wan's breath.

Mr. Wan stopped coughing, and his eyes fell on Qi Rongyue who was standing at the door and looking at him.

"Who is this?" Mr. Wan asked Shopkeeper Fan.

Shopkeeper Fan hurriedly introduced: "Sir, this is Ms. Qi, she came from Pengcheng, and she came here to admire your name. I learned that you were sick in bed, so I came to see you."

Shopkeeper Fan is a smart person, he deliberately didn't mention Qi Rongyue's proficiency in medical skills, and just waited for Qi Rongyue to speak out by himself, lest when she couldn't cure her, Mr. Wan felt unhappy and secretly blamed him.

Mr. Wan raised his eyebrows, knowing that shopkeeper Fan hadn't told the truth, he didn't ask any questions, but only looked at Qi Rongyue who was standing at the door.

Qi Rongyue smiled, walked forward slowly, stood still five feet in front of Mr. Wan's bed, and said softly: "I opened a medical clinic in Pengcheng, and I know some medical principles. I came to Wanwutang today. Please help me find a place in Jincheng where I can open a medical clinic and live in a shop. Who knows that I heard that you have been lying in bed for many days when I came to Wanwutang, so I recommended myself to the shopkeeper Fan to see you. Illness, see if I can help a little."

Mr. Wan's originally indifferent expression finally changed once, a soft smile appeared on his face, but in his eyes, there was no expectation for Qi Rongyue's medical skills.

After all, Qi Rongyue looks too young, can such a young girl cure his disease that even the imperial doctor can't cure?

Qi Rongyue understands in her heart that if you want others to believe in you, you have to show your true skills. Who wouldn't do it just by speaking?

"Mr. Wan, you have been suffering from this disease for at least two months!" Qi Rongyue asked.

Mr. Wan nodded: "That's right, it's been more than two months, and it hasn't improved. Recently, it has become more and more serious. I have taken a lot of medicine, but there is no improvement."

Qi Rongyue said: "Your disease is in the kidneys instead of the lungs, and all you take are medicines for lung cough, so naturally they won't be effective."

Mr. Wan raised his eyebrows: "How do you know that my disease is in the kidneys instead of the lungs, and how do you know that the medicine I take is medicine for lung and cough?"

Qi Rongyue took two steps forward, pointed at Mr. Wan's back and said: "When I came in, I saw that you were holding your back with one hand when you coughed, and the expression on your face was quite painful. Pain, plus your thick and yellow-green phlegm, excessive saliva, can be diagnosed as kidney disease."

Mr. Wan is well-informed, so he naturally knows that some doctors with superb medical skills can visit doctors, which means that their medical skills have reached a certain level, but he did not expect such a young girl to have such abilities, but, she Do you really have such a skill, or is it just nonsense?
Mr. Wan asked again: "Then how did you know that the medicine I was taking was for lung disease?"

Qi Rongyue said: "Just now I followed Shopkeeper Fan from the front hall to the back yard, and saw a pile of medicinal residues in the corner of the yard."

"Just relying on the dregs of the medicine?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head, and pointed to a round table on the right side of the room. There was a bowl on the table, which contained half a bowl of cold medicine juice. She said, "The taste of this medicine is different from what I saw in the yard The dregs of the medicine received match, so I can be sure what kind of medicine you are using."

(End of this chapter)

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