Chapter 195 Golden Dragon Fruit

Mr. Wan nodded: "It's comfortable for a while, and it also makes me feel like I have saved my life. I still want to thank you!"

Qi Rongyue shook her head with a serious expression: "Mr. Wan, your illness must be treated immediately, if you delay it, your life may be in danger."

Shopkeeper Fan at the side said: "So, Ms. Qi, do you have a solution?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Yes, but I'm not [-]% sure yet. I need a medicine, a rare panacea. If I can find it, I'm [-]% sure."

Shopkeeper Fan was a little anxious: "Is there only [-]% certainty of finding the elixir?"

Qi Rongyue said again: "The elixir is too rare and has unique properties, so not everyone can take it. If Mr. Wan is lucky and his body is just able to take this elixir, then naturally he doesn't have to worry about his illness. He must be cured, but if his body can't take this elixir, then I can't guarantee that he will be cured, but one thing can be guaranteed, if I treat him, it will reduce Mr. Wan's pain a lot, even if he can't cure him. When the disease is cured, it can prolong life by at least ten years.”

Shopkeeper Fan was startled, ten years?He turned his head to look at Mr. Wan. Mr. Wan is just forty, and he will be fifty in ten years. Moreover, Mr. Wan has been busy working in Wanwutang. For so many years, he has not even had a woman around him, let alone a child. He only has a lifespan of ten years. , how is this enough, how is this enough?
Compared with shopkeeper Fan, Mr. Wan seemed much calmer. He didn't think ten years was very long, nor did he think ten years was very short. Law.

Mr. Wan smiled lightly and said, "You can do a lot of things in ten years, maybe before I die, Ms. Qi can find another way to heal me, so I may not die in ten years."

Qi Rongyue smiled and nodded: "Mr. Wan is right, the world is uncertain, and there are variables every day. Maybe you won't live for ten years, or maybe it will be more than ten years. This is just an approximate number from me. You can face it with an open mind. Yes, that's very good, besides, you are so lucky, maybe the elixir will work for you?"

Just like her, as the eldest princess and the best years of a girl, she should have enjoyed the most extreme glory in the world, but who would have thought that she would end up without a whole body?

Mr. Wan smiled even more: "How do you know I'm lucky?"

Qi Rongyue shrugged: "Mr. Wan met me at such a critical time, doesn't that mean your luck?"

Mr. Wan laughed so hard that he almost coughed again, but fortunately he stopped it in time.

Seeing that Mr. Wan was so happy, shopkeeper Fan's mood also improved, and he became more polite and respectful to Qi Rongyue: "Miss Qi, please write a prescription, and I will send someone to do it immediately."

Qi Rongyue nodded, turned around and walked towards the desk under the window. On the desk was an unfinished painting. In the painting was a slim girl standing under a peach blossom, looking up at a tree of peach blossoms. The red mole added a bit of coquettishness to her slightly plain face.

A tree of peach blossoms has only been painted with half of them, and the ink color is not new. It seems that this painting was done before he fell ill, but it has never been finished.

Shopkeeper Fan swiftly put away the painting, laid out new paper for her, polished the ink and arranged the brush, doing it very skillfully, it seems that he often served Mr. Wan's pen and ink on weekdays.

Qi Rongyue's writing has become much faster than before. Although the neat and neat lowercase script has no aura, it is very delicate and makes people feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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