Chapter 201 Dead Man
Qi Rongyue looked slightly happy, and thanked Baye Jin: "Thank you, Baye!"

Mr. Jin Ba waved his hand: "You don't need to thank me. Since you are Mr. Wan's friend, you are also my Jin Ba's friend. It's just a trivial matter, so don't take it to heart. What's more, I don't accept money from the shop!"

Having said that, Baye Jin still offered a low price of 500 taels that even shopkeeper Fan hadn't expected.

Baye Jin bought this shop for 5000 taels, but now he sells it to Qi Rongyue for only 500 taels?

Although Qi Rongyue is not a serious businessman, she also knows that the value of such a shop is definitely more than 500 taels.

She cupped her hand to Ba Ye Jin: "Ba Ye is refreshing, your friend, I, Qi Rongyue, have made a deal." It is said that Ba Ye Jin is domineering, maybe he is domineering, but he is definitely a reasonable person, such a person , much easier to get along with than those who are slick on the surface and sinister on the inside.

After the three of them settled the matter, Ba Ye Jin personally sent the two of them downstairs. As soon as they reached the stairs, they heard bursts of noise in the hall downstairs, as if some dispute had occurred.

Jin Baye smiled and said: "I'm laughing at you, this kind of thing happens from time to time, but it doesn't get in the way, and you can always find a way to deal with it properly."

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Eighth Master is right, there is a law and a door for everything, open the door to do business, you may encounter anything, and there is a solution for everything."

Shopkeeper Fan's eyes were sharp, and he saw that there seemed to be a person lying down in the noisy crowd, and the young man who patted the counter table kept shouting that Renhetang's medicine had killed people, and that they should lose money.

Shopkeeper Fan pointed to the man lying on the straw mat in the crowd and asked, "Is that man dead?"

Hearing what shopkeeper Fan said, Baye Jin's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly looked at the group of people. Sure enough, there was a motionless person lying in the middle of the crowd. He couldn't tell if he was dead or alive, but judging from the reaction of the people, it was really not good.

Jin Baye didn't have time to think about it, he went downstairs quickly, walked up to those people, and said in a deep voice, "What happened!"

Jin Baye's voice was high-pitched, and as soon as the voice came out, he immediately suppressed the arrogance of those people. When the young man in charge saw Jin Baye appearing, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It turned out to be Jin Baye. After taking the medicine caught by your Renhetang, you vomited black blood in less than half an hour, and died before you could be sent to the doctor. Your Renhetang opened a medicine hall, and the medicine you can sell is not life-saving medicine, but Killing poison?"

The man standing behind the young man echoed: "You Renhetang must give us an explanation for this matter, otherwise we will never end with you."

Jin Baye frowned, and said in a deep voice, "An explanation? What explanation do you want?"

The young man said: "Of course it's a loss of money. My elder brother is the pillar of our family. If this pillar falls, our family will not be able to survive. Jin Baye, you are a sensible person, you must know what I mean."

Seeing the young man's way of speaking, Jin Baye knew that he had come prepared, and someone was definitely instigating him from behind. In Jincheng, there were only a few people who dared to ask him about Jin Baye. No need to think about who it would be.

Jin Baye snorted coldly: "You said that he died after taking the medicine from our Renhetang, okay, bring the medicine caught in our Renhetang, together with the medicine list and prescription, let's go to the yamen and let the magistrate Let's close this case."

(End of this chapter)

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