Chapter 204 Sorcery
"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

Qi Rongyue stood up, handed the silver needle to Xue'er, and asked softly, "What's impossible?"

The young man yelled: "He is obviously dead. I sniffed and he obviously didn't breathe. How could he be alive now? Sorcery, it must be sorcery!"

When Xue'er heard this, she immediately blew her hair: "You are good at witchcraft, how many pairs of eyes are here? The big guys can clearly see that my lady has saved people with medical skills. How can you come here become witchcraft?"

Qi Rongyue said with a light smile: "It must be that he was so happy to see his brother come back to life, so he slipped his words for a while!"

The young man snorted coldly: "I didn't make a mistake, you are clearly a sorcerer, and a person who is obviously dead, how come you are alive again?"

Qi Rongyue shook his head: "You are wrong, your brother didn't die, he never died, he just fell into a deep coma for a while because of the severe poison, that is, a state of suspended animation, in your eyes, it is no different from a dead person, but in fact Not dead yet."

Seeing that they were confused, Qi Rongyue said again: "You must have heard that when someone passes by the new grave, they occasionally hear strange movements in the grave, and someone even shouts for help. People in the world say that they are possessed by evil spirits, and that the first seven souls return, but it is not true. Some people seem to be dead, but they are not dead. They just temporarily fall into a state of suspended animation. After being buried, they suddenly come back to life. I asked for help, but the final end of these people is still dead, because no one believes that they will be resurrected, they are just fake corpses, and they are not as lucky as your brother to meet me at such a critical time!"

The young man's face became more and more ugly, and then he gritted his teeth and said, "So what? Even if you save my brother now, is it true that after my brother took the medicine from your Renhetang, all the sufferings he has suffered will be in vain?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "Of course it won't be in vain. He has snake venom, and it's a very rare white scorpion snake venom. As long as you find the person who committed the poison and seek justice for him, wouldn't it be fine?"

The last trace of shadow in Jin Baye's heart dissipated completely, and he continued: "This white scorpion is rare, it seems that it will not be difficult to find the real culprit behind the scenes!"

The young man's face turned pale, and he said angrily: "I really don't know what you are talking about. Just wait and see, this matter will not end like this." The young man yelled at the accompanying people to lift up the seriously ill man, Leaving Renhetang.

Qi Rongyue shouted: "His snake venom has not been cleared, he must take the detoxification pill as soon as possible, otherwise, he will still die!"

The young man acted as if he didn't hear her words, striding forward quickly, the people behind him didn't dare to stay for a moment, they disappeared completely in the blink of an eye!

Mr. Jin clapped his hands heavily: "Miao, Miss Qi's medical skills are really exquisite. It is really a blessing for the people of Jincheng that Rongyu Hall can be opened in Jincheng!"

This sentence seems to have been said by Mr. Wan. She doesn't know if the people in Jincheng are blessed. Going to the capital, even if it can't bring her reputation into the Regent's Palace, at least it will make it easier for her to act in the capital in the future.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, and said calmly, "I'm a doctor, and I just did what I should do!"

(End of this chapter)

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