Chapter 207 The Lantern Festival
Yongping Hou Mansion
Lord Zheng Hou handed a paper to his son. Zheng Zhongwen glanced at it casually, and immediately frowned and said, "No!"

Lord Zheng Hou sighed: "I know you don't want to deal with King Jin, but you have to remember, as long as we live in this Chu Dynasty, as long as our Yongping Hou Mansion is still based in the Chu Dynasty, sooner or later you will be It is unavoidable to have some contact with him again. This time, I could push for you to serve as the general judge of Jincheng, but after thinking about it, I think this may be an opportunity to hone you. chance of will."

"In life, there will always be many unsatisfactory things. It is impossible for everything to go according to your will. Since you were born in the Yongping Hou Mansion, it is only a matter of time before you become an official. This cannot be changed. Instead of being in the court in the future When the court met, you showed your feet in front of the regent because you couldn't control your emotions. At that time, not only yourself, but also the entire Yongping Hou Mansion will be buried for you. Yongping Hou Mansion is here The centuries-old foundation of Kyoto may also be destroyed in your hands."

"That's why I agreed to let you serve as the general judge of the Xinyang Mansion. When you arrive in Jincheng, you will always have the opportunity to meet the King of Jin, so you can hone your mind and wisdom. Don't let the superficial happiness and anger harm yourself and Yong Yong." Pinghou Mansion."

Speaking of this, he seems to have no reason to refuse any more. If he refuses again, that would be rebellious and unfilial. He doesn't want his parents to worry about him all day long.

Whatever, he wanted to see with his own eyes how carefree the person who killed the eldest princess and had an affair with Chu Tianxin so quickly was.

The world seems to be chaotic and lawless, and it seems that everything has its own destiny.

The flowers that are planted intentionally never bloom, but the willows that are planted unintentionally can become shade.



Jincheng, Lantern Festival.

"Miss, the weather is nice today, let's go and see the lantern!" Xue'er was full of joy, looking at Qi Rongyue with eyes full of anticipation.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I don't want to go, go by yourself!"

"Oh, miss, you stay in the room all day reading, don't you feel bored? Is there a light or food in this book? What's so interesting about this day."

Qi Rongyue raised the scroll in her hand, and said with a smile: "Haven't you heard of it? There is a golden house in the book, and Yan Ruyu is in the book!"

"Miss, do we still need to look for the golden house in the book? Yan Ruyu is yourself, it's all to deceive poor scholars, don't pretend I don't know!"

Qi Rongyue laughed, and twisted her sore neck, the weather is not good today, but the north wind is weak, as long as you put on two more clothes, you won't get cold, let's go for a walk, by the way Take a look at the Lantern Festival in Jincheng, how it compares to that in Beijing.

Xue'er put a newly made velvet cloak on her, and brought two hand stoves, one stuffed in the young lady's hand, and the other warmed her chest.

The guards are all young martial arts students, and they have no resistance to days like the Lantern Festival. When they heard that the young lady was going to go to the lantern festival, they were all very happy.

Qi Rongyue gave each of them three taels of silver, and asked them to change shifts to buy something they liked later.

The six guards were overjoyed, and they immediately discussed to divide into three groups to follow, two people in one group, and four people to go for a walk, calculating the time to change shifts with the other two.

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