Chapter 210 Overlap
She paused, and said again: "Since Prince Jin doesn't like people coming in here, then I'll leave now!"

She staggered away and was about to leave, but saw King Jin suddenly stretched out his arm to stop her: "You can come when you want, and leave when you want?"

She looked sideways, her eyes were clear and deep, and the smile on her face didn't reach her eyes at all: "Otherwise? Is King Jin going to punish the crime of appreciating flowers?"

King Jin didn't answer her words, just stared closely at her eyes, and asked word by word: "Who are you? Why did you follow me?" The first encounter was accidental, the second was a coincidence, and the third time? ?
He doesn't believe that there are so many accidents in this world!

She smiled, revealing her porcelain-white white teeth inside her red lips, and the dimples looming on her cheeks were dazzling: "Does King Jin think that all women in the world are the same? Not all women like a man like King Jin, At least I am not like this, I am different from those women who are so obsessed with King Jin and are willing to give everything for you."

King Jin raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Why is it different?"

She looked away, stopped looking at him, and finally glanced at the pansy plum tree full of flowers, and said in a low voice: "In the future, you will know in the future!"

She stretched out her hand, pushed away the arm that blocked her way, and walked slowly and gracefully, from the light into the seemingly boundless darkness, never to be seen again.

He looked at that proud and lonely back, as well as that graceful pace, this kind of back actually overlapped with another woman in his heart, and he seemed to see her again, a living her.

"No, it's impossible, she's dead, already dead!" He shook his head, trying to get rid of those strange thoughts, and when he looked at the back again, that slender figure had completely merged with the night. For oneness.

"Who are you? Who are you?" King Jin clenched his hands tightly, his eyes fixed on the deep and dark alley, without moving for a long time.

"Miss, you are back, if you don't come back again, I, I will—"

"How about you?" She sat down beside Xue'er, hiding her slightly trembling hands in her sleeves, so that Xue'er could not see her strangeness.

Xue'er said, "I'll rush in to find you!"

She shook her head and said with a smile: "Fool, didn't I say that I would be back soon? Don't you believe me?"

Xue'er nodded quickly: "I believe it, I believe it, how could I not believe Miss!"

"I'm tired, squint for a while, and call me when we arrive!" She closed her eyes, tried her best to restrain her emotions, and suppressed the evil thoughts that wanted to kill.

Min Hangzhi, before I kill you, I will let you and Chu Lian kneel in front of the tombs of your father, queen and empress, and kowtow to them to make amends.

The carriage drove slowly, and when they returned to the inn, six guards were waiting at the door of the inn. They were relieved when they saw the young lady came back safely. They had so much fun in Shuangyi Street, and there were so many people, that they actually went with the young lady. We broke up, if something bad happened to the young lady, they would be blamed even if they died.

Xue'er gave them a hard look, and was about to lecture, but was stopped by Qi Rongyue: "I'm fine, everyone go back to the room and rest!"

Back in the guest room, Xue'er complained: "Miss, these people are too shameless. Miss, you are kind enough to let them go out to join in the fun, and even reward them with rewards. It's good for them. Come on, luckily nothing happened, if something happened, we—"

(End of this chapter)

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