Chapter 217 Stealing Drugs (Add More)
The servant nodded: "Miss Hui, yes, the little one is frying."

"Why are you nervous?" Qi Rongyue asked.

The boy was in a cold sweat and shook his head quickly: "No, no!"

Qi Rongyue said: "You are nervous because you lied, you didn't make this medicine, right?"

The boy hurriedly knelt down and said in a panic: "No, no, it's me, I fried it, and I fried it all the time, it has nothing to do with other people."

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "You are lying, how can a person who decocts medicine have no smell of medicine on his body?"

The boy's body trembled, his eyes rolled, and he hurriedly said: "I, I just changed my clothes, so the smell of medicine is gone."

"Really? Then I'll trouble shopkeeper Fan again, and invite all the maids and servants in the yard to come over."

Hearing this, the boy became paler and fell to the ground, unable to utter a word.

After a while, shopkeeper Fan brought everyone over, four maids and three servants, all of them looked shocked, not knowing what happened.

Qi Rongyue got up, walked around in front of the seven people, then pointed to a girl in a pink jacket and said, "Come here!"

The girl was taken aback, and then saw the medicine jar on the table, she seemed to have guessed something, her face suddenly turned pale, she walked out of the team with trembling legs, and came to Qi Rongyue, at this moment she saw Zhao San was kneeling in the corner , the body trembled more and more.

Qi Rongyue asked: "Why did you remove the Danshen and Zhiyu from Mr. Wan's medicine? Do you know that Mr. Wan almost lost his life because of this!"

The girl fell to her knees with a plop and cried, "It's me, I did it, it has nothing to do with Third Brother Zhao."

Qi Rongyue asked again: "Why did you take away these two medicines?"

With tears streaming down her pale face, the girl choked with sobs and said, "Yes, it's my mother. My mother is ill, and the doctor prescribed a medicine. I see that there are salvia miltiorrhiza and Zhiyu on the prescription, so, so I At once--"

Shopkeeper Fan was furious: "So you took these two medicines from Mr. Wan's medicine to treat your mother? You are so brave!"

The girl turned around on her knees, kowtowed to shopkeeper Fan and Mr. Wan, crying for forgiveness.

At this time, Zhao San in the corner also knelt forward and said to Mr. Wan: "Mr. Wan, your lord has a lot, so please spare Xiaomei this time. She, she did this kind of thing in a moment of confusion, please. Thank you, Mr. Wan!"

Mr. Wan is not a soft-hearted person, but after this illness, he understands the pain that illness brings to others. He sympathizes with Xiaomei's mother and envies her. At least she has a filial daughter who is trying to do everything possible for her. She rescued, although she couldn't do her best, she finally tried her best.

"Forget it, fortunately I'm fine, but remember, if something like this happens in the future, you must speak up in time, so that we can help you, and you can't do such stupid things that hurt others but not necessarily benefit yourself."

When Xiaomei heard this, her tears became more and more violent, and she kowtowed three times to Mr. Wan: "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

"Go down!" Mr. Wan waved.

At this time, Qi Rongyue said to Xiaomei: "Bring your mother to Rongyu Hall tomorrow!" Rongyu Hall is located on Renhe Street, I will give you a day off tomorrow, go by yourself!"

Add a new chapter, don't think too little, the author's code words are not easy, hehehe! !

(End of this chapter)

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