Chapter 222
Master Shan and his wife couldn't bear to see their daughter's miserable situation anymore, so Lord Wang ordered someone to help them out, so as not to cause the two of them to be too sad to do anything good or bad.

Seeing that Mr. Wang also went out, Zheng Zhongwen walked up to Wu Zuo and asked, "What can you find out?"

Wu Zuo looked puzzled and said, "It's a bit strange!"

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly asked: "Why is it strange?"

"The wounds of these two people are a bit strange. It is said that the blood must be gushing out from the sword in the chest, but you see, there is nothing else in this room except the blood on their clothes, and there is not a single drop on the ground." .”

Zheng Zhongwen asked: "So you suspect that the cause of their death is not the sword in the chest?"

Wu Zuo shook his head: "It's not sure yet, except for the wound on the chest, they have no other wounds on their bodies, their faces don't look like they died of poisoning, and there are no strangle marks on their necks."

Zheng Zhongwen nodded: "It's not like being seriously injured to death by internal force, otherwise there would be blood overflowing from the seven orifices, but they didn't."

Zheng Zhongwen thought for a while, and then said: "It's not just their master and servant in this courtyard, the servants outside all live in this courtyard. If there is any movement in the master's room, can they not hear it at all?"

"And it was two people who died instead of one person. How did the murderer kill two people at the same time without making any noise?"

He can now almost conclude that these two people must have been raped after their deaths, and the chest wounds were made up to mislead the government. The cause of their deaths must not be caused by trauma.

If it's not an external injury, then there are only two possibilities, serious internal injury or poisoning.

If one wants to know the truth, one can only dissect the corpse to see if the internal organs have been damaged by internal forces or have symptoms of poisoning.

However, if you want to do these things, you need the consent of their family members. Thinking of the heartbroken second elder just now, will they agree?

Zheng Zhongwen stood up and went out, seeing that Mr. Wang was still comforting Mr. and Mrs. Shan, Mr. Wang looked cautious and respectful, thinking that Mr. Shan was not as simple as a wealthy gentry, otherwise, with Mr. Wang being a majestic magistrate, such a The case didn't require him to come in person, nor did he need to be so careful with others.

Zheng Zhongwen approached Mr. Wang and explained his views. Mr. Wang showed a look of embarrassment, and turned to look at the faces of Master Shan and his wife.

Before Master Shan could speak, Mrs. Shan hurriedly said, "No, no, Bi'er died quite badly. Could it be, can't she be spared even after death?"

Master Shan sighed: "Bi'er is gone, I hope that she can be buried in the ground as soon as possible, and there is no need to say anything else!"

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, and said anxiously: "Don't you want to catch the murderer? Don't you want your daughter to die in vain? If you can't catch the murderer, can your daughter really be buried in peace?"

Master Shan also turned up the volume: "It is your government's responsibility to catch the murderer. My daughter is already dead. Can you even let her body go?"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "We don't want to do this either, but this is the only way to find the real murderer now. If you and the elders can't cooperate, you are actually allowing the murderer to get away with it!"

Mr. Wang tugged at Zheng Zhongwen's sleeves, and said in a low voice: "They are sad now, and they may not listen to what they say, so why not put it aside for a while, and discuss this matter after they calm down."

(End of this chapter)

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