Chapter 230 Seeing Li Wude
Qi Rongyue didn't find it strange at all, this was exactly their style.

Having been in Jincheng for more than two months, she has heard a lot about the Eight Great Medical Centers on Renhe Street, and they are more derogatory than positive, saying that they see profit without morality, although they have medical skills, they have not been used in the right way, and they have lost the hearts of the people. , People who go to Renhe Street to see a doctor and get medicine are all rich people in the city. They don't care about the useless medicinal materials mixed in the prescriptions. They have money and they can afford it.

She said softly: "This kind of case is not something ordinary people can do. This guy is extremely vicious, the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the open. If the murderer finds out that someone is helping to solve the case, with the murderer's brutal temperament, it is very likely that he will take action." Cruel revenge, plus, if you go to the government office but can't identify the poison, but other doctors can, then whose face will be lost?"

This is the real reason why these doctors are unwilling to participate in this matter.

Zheng Zhongwen frowned, yes, what Rong Yue said was very reasonable, he hadn't thought about this before, so if Rong Yue was involved in this murder case, then she would also be in danger.

"Forget it, I'll take you back!" He couldn't imagine that what happened to Miss Ruodan would happen to Rong Yue——

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No need, I'm not them, I'm not afraid!"

Zheng Zhongwen said: "You are not afraid, I am afraid!"

She looked up, looked into his eyes, and asked with a smile, "You don't have confidence in yourself? Do you think you can't protect me?"

He immediately retorted: "Of course not. As long as you can identify what the poison is and where it came from, and have clues, I believe that the case will be solved quickly. As long as you catch the murderer as soon as possible, your safety will naturally be gone." Worry about the future."

She smiled and said, "Then it's over, I believe in you, so I'm not afraid!"

But he was still worried: "But——"

She interrupted him: "Do you have a better and more suitable candidate than me?"

Obviously not, he has no time, and there is no more suitable candidate than her.

Xue'er said: "Oh, stop arguing, isn't it simple? When the young lady goes to the government office later, she should wear a veiled veiled hat, so that no one can see the young lady's face, and don't call her in the government office." Miss’s name, in this case, won’t Miss be safe?”

Zheng Zhongwen's eyebrows brightened: "This is really a good idea!"

Xue'er rolled her eyes at him: "I really don't know how you passed the test, you can't even think of this!"

Zheng Zhongwen has long been used to Xueer's casualness and even lack of rules. She is such a real person, sincere to the lady, and very smart. This is quite similar to Sangui, so he never cares about her rudeness.

Qi Rongyue glanced at Xue'er, laughed and cursed: "You! It seems that you can do it, right?"

Xueer sticks out her tongue and laughs.

The carriage stopped for a while passing the coat and hat shop, and Zheng Zhongwen got out of the car to buy two veiled hats that can cover the entire face without affecting the line of sight.

By the way, I told Luo Ping and Yu Gang not to mention Miss Qi's identity in the government office, and they must not reveal a word before the murderer catches her.

Luo Pinghe and Yu hadn't thought of anything at the beginning. After Mr. Zheng's order, they also thought of the murderer's revenge on the witness. It's not like this kind of thing didn't happen before.

Thinking of Miss Shan's death, both of them shuddered, and immediately shut their mouths tightly. They couldn't hurt this delicate girl in front of them because of their lack of rigor.

(End of this chapter)

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