Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 240 Not This Kind of Relationship

Chapter 240 Not This Kind of Relationship
She stared into his eyes and asked word by word: "The girl who gave you the family jade pendant when you were young, is she very important to you?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, and a suspicious look appeared on his tough and stern face: "How do you know that I gave the jade pendant when I was young, and how do you know that I gave it to a girl?"

She was taken aback for a moment, then said with a dry smile: "You said that, don't you remember?"

"Did I say that?" He thought hard, did he?Could it be that it was said in the fishing village beyond Chaoyang City?He only remembered that he gave a piece of jade pendant passed down from his family to a friend, but he didn't seem to say when he gave it, nor did he say whether it was a boy or a girl.

Did you remember it wrong?
She nodded quickly: "You said it, otherwise how would I know! Tell me, is that girl very important to you?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded, with a look of sadness on his face: "It's very important! She is all I miss when I was young, all the miss when I was young, all the miss when I was young, I thought, even if she won't be with me At the same time, even if she ends up marrying someone else, at least, on some special occasions, I can still sneak a few glances at her, but in the end, she didn't even give me such a chance."

"Does she know? Have you told her?" She asked, clasped her hands in her sleeves, and a thin layer of sweat broke out from her palms.

He shook his head: "she doesn't know, I never told her."

"Why? Why didn't you tell her?"

He smiled wryly: "I planned to tell her after she reached Ji, and begged her father to propose marriage, but who knows, before she reached Ji, she was engaged to another man, and after that, I never saw her again .”

She remained silent, thinking that if she could go back to the past, if she could go back to the time when her father and mother were still alive, she would be willing to give Zheng Zhongwen a chance.

But now it is impossible to go back to the past. She understands Zheng Zhongwen's intentions and knows that he is a good man who values ​​love and affection. Lord Zheng Houye is also a good man. She cannot selfishly drag them into the muddy water. Once her revenge plan fails , not only she and Zheng Zhongwen died, but also the entire Yongping Hou Mansion will be buried with her.

At this time, Xiao Er brought the food and wine to the table. Seeing that the two were silent, he smiled and said, "The young couple are arguing? Come, come, drink a bowl of frozen plum wine, and the gap will disappear!"

Qi Rongyue took a deep breath, her expression suddenly turned cold, and she said displeasedly to Xiao Er: "I have nothing to do with him, don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing that the atmosphere became more and more embarrassing, the second brother didn't dare to say anything, put down the food and drink and hurried away, not daring to stay for a moment longer.

Zheng Zhongwen said: "He is just kind, why should you—"

Qi Rongyue said coldly: "Since you have a girl you like in your heart, why did you come to provoke me? It's because I, Qi Rongyue, has no father or mother, an orphan who is easy to bully?"

Zheng Zhongwen didn't expect her to speak like this suddenly, and he was stunned for a moment, but he heard her say again: "I keep saying that I am not the kind of person who eats from the bowl and looks at the pot, how is it now? Grab one, is this what you call dedicated affection?"

"Zheng Shizi, please don't come to me again in the future, the relationship between me and you has been settled, I don't need your pity, and I don't need a man who still has other women in his heart." She Standing up, he took one last look at him, turned and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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