Chapter 260 Vinegar Jar

She was immediately jealous, and said strangely: "So we are old acquaintances!" Now she really wanted to tear Qi Rongyue's beautiful face to pieces.

Qi Rongyue heard Chu Tianxin's sourness, smiled inwardly, but said: "Princess, don't get me wrong, I really don't know King Jin, if you don't believe me, you might as well ask him what my name is. "

Chu Tianxin looked at King Jin, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's her name?"

King Jin shrugged: "I don't know, I haven't asked, but even if I asked, this young lady might not be able to say it, she seems to be very prejudiced against this king!"

After hearing this, Chu Tianxin's frowning brows finally eased a little, but the unhappiness in his heart did not diminish at all. The man she regarded as a treasure was rejected by another woman?What is this?

Therefore, Chu Tian felt that Qi Rongyue was not pleasing to his eyes anyway, and even thought that this might be a trick she used against Heng Zhi. Obviously, this trick was very useful for Heng Zhi, at least Heng Zhi remembered her picture. face, and also showed that he was quite interested in her.

As a princess, she couldn't hold on to the heart of the son-in-law, so she was already sick. Now that she has a rival in love before she gets married, can she just let it go?

Chu Tianxin approached Qi Rongyue and stared at her face carefully. The more he looked closely, the jealousy in his heart became stronger. This woman surnamed Qi not only has a good appearance, but also has delicate and fair skin. There was still a faint layer of pink on her cheeks, she looked very healthy and endearing, not to mention King Jin, even she wanted to reach out and touch her when she saw it.

She took a deep breath, and said in a strange way: "This face is really beautiful, even this princess finds it very pleasing to the eye."

Xue'er stood behind Qi Rongyue with her eyes lowered. After hearing this, cold sweat broke out all over her back. It seems that Princess Tianxin wants to harm the young lady. What can I do, what can I do.

She looked at her young lady, but saw that her young lady's face was still calm, as if she didn't pay attention to Princess Tianxin's words at all, and she didn't have the slightest look of fear.

Does the lady already have a countermeasure?

"The princess deserves the prize!" She replied calmly, neither humble nor overbearing.

Seeing her detached demeanor, Chu Tianxin felt even more unhappy. She sneered and said, "Miss Qi is so skilled in medicine, which is really rare in the world. Why don't you stay by my side in the future and return to Beijing in the future?" , I will guarantee you admission to the imperial hospital."

Without waiting for Qi Rongyue to answer, Chu Tianxin said again: "But since you want to stay by my side, you have to prove whether you are sincere to me, and also let me feel at ease every time I see you. face, I am really uncomfortable looking at it now."

King Jin frowned and said displeasedly, "What do you mean by that?"

Chu Tian ignored King Jin and only stared at Qi Rongyue who had a calm face, thinking that Princess Ben wants to see how long you can stay calm.

Qi Rongyue raised her eyes, looked into Chu Tianxin's beautiful eyes exuding coldness and viciousness, and smiled with her lips curled up: "Thanks to the princess's love, it's just that the common girls don't care about chasing fame and fortune, and just want to live in a medical center. Those who are suffering from illness will do their bit and don't dare to think about other things, so please don't blame the princess."

Chu Tianxin looked at Lian'er with his eyes, Lian'er understood, immediately took a step forward, raised the volume and said: "Qi Rongyue, the princess asked you to accompany me, that is your blessing, don't toast and refuse to eat Drink fine wine and shame your face."

Qi Rongyue shook her head, said with a faint smile: "Miss Lian'er is serious, not everyone can have the blessing of Miss Lian'er."

(End of this chapter)

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