Chapter 270 Night Party
"I'm not drunk, I'm sober, Rong Yue, why? Why did you suddenly become like this? Aren't we always fine before? What are you running away from?"

She took a deep breath, opened her closed eyes slowly, and maintained the superficial calm forcefully, she said word by word: "Zheng Zhongwen, don't you really know why? Okay, I'll tell you now."

Zheng Zhongwen let go of his hand slowly, watching her slender figure move away from him step by step, walked to the table and lit the lamp on the table, under the light, her complexion was slightly pale, her expression was as indifferent as ever, and she couldn't tell Happy and angry.

She turned around and faced him, her eyes seemed not as bright as before, when she looked at him, her pupils flickered slightly.

She said word by word: "Zheng Zhongwen, you are the son of the Marquis of Yongping. In the future, the Marquis of the Marquis of Yongping, your wife is destined not to be an orphan like me. You know it very well, but why are you pretending not to know?" Also, you clearly have a girl you like in your heart, even if she is no longer alive, how can a person's feelings change just by saying? You can change today, and you can change again in the future, I can't believe it You are such a man, so please stay away from me."

Zheng Zhongwen didn't believe it, she didn't believe that Rong Yue was such a superficial girl.

"The girl who has passed away, she will always have a place in my heart." He thumped his chest, stared at her with shining eyes, and said, "I thought, except She will never meet someone she likes again in this life, but until I met you, at first, I thought it was just because I could always see her shadow in you, so I paid special attention to you, but later, I slowly I slowly discovered that you are you and she is her, although there are similarities, they are two completely different people."

His understanding of the eldest princess is limited to some memories of his childhood. He used to love the eldest princess wholeheartedly, but he didn't know much about the eldest princess. He only met a limited number of times. This feeling and what Qi Rongyue brought to him The feeling is different.

His love for the eldest princess is young, sweet and sour, the kind of hopeless, yet reluctant to let go.

What Qi Rongyue brought to him was a passionate love like a raging fire. Since the farewell to Pengcheng years ago, he has been thinking about her all the time, and his feelings for her have deepened day by day. He thought that this feeling It will end without a problem like the last relationship, but who knows, they will meet again in Jincheng.

This is not a coincidence, this is an unbroken fate between them.

She frowned and made a displeased expression: "So, you actually took me as her substitute?"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "No, never, she is irreplaceable, and you are the same. You say that, it is a blasphemy to her, and it is also a blasphemy to yourself."

She bit her lip, and her voice became even colder by three points: "Zheng Zhongwen, why are you still persistent when you know it's impossible for the two of us? In your eyes, I, Qi Rongyue, am the kind who can be played with by others and then discarded at will. person?"

Zheng Zhongwen rushed forward, clasped her shoulders, and forced her to look into his eyes: "In your eyes, am I, Zheng Zhongwen, such a shameless person?"

She just stared into his eyes without making a sound.

She kept silent, and in Zheng Zhongwen's eyes, it seemed like she was tacitly acquiescing.

He suddenly smiled, with a hint of wine: "If this is the case, then I will be more shameless." He suddenly bowed his head, his thin cold lips pressed tightly against her soft lips like cherry blossoms, his long arms slid down, and embraced her. He wrapped her around her waist and pulled her into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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