Chapter 281 Quality
Zheng Zhongwen said: "I can't say anything, Rongyue is a girl, how can I let her be in such a dangerous situation?"

Mr. Wang looked indifferent: "How could this be a dangerous situation? Didn't you say that a net will be set up? Since the net is set up, the murderer will not be able to escape. As long as he can't escape, will Miss Qi be okay?"

"Not being able to escape has nothing to do with Rongyue's accident. As long as the murderer steps into Rongyu Hall, Rongyue will be in danger. I can't let her take this risk."

Mr. Wang looked embarrassed, although he had the final say on this matter, but Zheng Zhongwen's status was unusual after all, and he couldn't go against him too much, so he could only look at Qi Rongyue, waiting for her to speak.

Qi Rongyue didn't even look at Zheng Zhongwen, she just looked at Master Wang and said seriously: "I'm willing to use myself as bait to catch big fish."

Mr. Wang laughed: "Okay, Miss Qi understands righteousness, I admire it!" So, the two ignored Zheng Zhongwen, whose face was getting darker and darker, and discussed the plan to lure the enemy.

Zheng Zhongwen saw that he couldn't control the situation at all, and Rong Yue didn't listen to him at all. He had no choice but to secretly disguise himself as a government servant, sneak into Rong Yu Hall, and secretly protect Rong Yue.

Soon, the child was not dead, and news spread that he might wake up at any time. If the murderer was brave enough, he would come to the door tonight, because the child would wake up at any time. If he wanted to keep his identity, he had to die before the child woke up. over him.

The night in spring is still slightly cool, the night is dark and starless, and the wind is particularly strong. It can be said that it is a night with a dark moon and a high wind, when murders are committed.

Qi Rongyue put a piece of soft armor sewn by herself under her clothes, so as not to be stabbed by random swords in the chaos. She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that death is worthless. If it didn't work out, she couldn't die yet, absolutely not.

Just after midnight, Qi Rongyue just fell asleep in a drowsy state, when a very light click sound woke her up, when she opened her eyes, her hand was already holding the dagger by the pillow, she saw a black shadow rushing into her In the room, even though the room was dark, she could still see the man's eyes clearly, the eyes were extraordinarily vicious, and his movements were very light and agile.

Just when she was about to draw out her dagger, a bright long sword was already resting on her neck.

"Say, where is the child rescued by the government office?"

The man's voice was deep and empty, as if from hell, full of indifference and killing.

Qi Rongyue frowned, do these servants of the government office all eat dry food?They don't even know people are coming in.

"In the consultation room below!" She said, and saw the man's wrist move slightly, as if he wanted to kill her, she hurriedly said: "There are officials guarding it, you can't go down."

As expected, the man hesitated for a moment, and did not continue the movement of his hands. He said in a deep voice, "With you here, are you still afraid that you won't be able to get off? Hmph!" He clasped Qi Rongyue's shoulder, his five fingers like iron It held her tightly like a hoop, and she felt a tingling pain in her shoulder, as if a man's nails had pierced the skin and flesh of her shoulder.

How could a big man keep such nails?
Qi Rongyue was able to save her life for the time being, but the murderer took her as a hostage and held her out of the room step by step.

The lights outside were brightly lit. Standing at the stairs, one could clearly see the guards dozing off in every corner, and some even snored like thunder. Only one figure was still standing upright in the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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