Chapter 284
Qi Rongyue said: "I only have 5000 taels of silver bills in hand, no matter how much it is, it won't kill me."

Although a man is greedy for money, he is not a fool. Seeing Qi Rongyue like this, he knew that no matter how hard he tried, it would be useless. He couldn't wait, he had to get the money as soon as possible, and leave the city overnight, otherwise he would have to wait until dawn. Escaping is even more difficult.

"Okay, fifteen thousand is fifteen thousand, you can get it immediately." The man stuffed the ten thousand taels of silver into his arms indiscriminately, and said to Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue turned around, with a slightly pale corner of her lips slowly showing a strange sneer, how many people died in the hands of the word greed?

When Qi Rongyue handed over the bank note wrapped in a handkerchief to the man, the man bit the handkerchief and spit it out, carefully checked the bank note in his hand, and after confirming that there was no problem, he laughed maniacally: " Even if you know the current affairs, don't worry, when Lao Tzu leaves the city, your son will naturally let him come back safely."

At this time, the people from Wang Zhifu had delivered the horse and the warrant to him. He grabbed the warrant to leave the city, glanced at it, stuffed it into his arms together with the bank note, and then put the sword on Zheng Zhongwen's waist, ordering him to mount the horse. , Zheng Zhongwen's hand just touched the horse's back, but he saw the man's body suddenly staggered and retreated two steps away from him.

Seeing the opportunity coming, he slid quickly to avoid it, and shouted to Luo Ping in the distance: "Sword!"

Luo Ping was paying attention to their movements, and when he heard Zheng Zhongwen's shout, he quickly untied his saber and threw it away.

Zheng Zhongwen practiced martial arts at a young age. Although his kung fu is not top-notch in the martial arts world, it is still very good. After catching Luo Ping's sword, he held the sword and bullied him. A sword flower is as dazzling as a star.

The tip of the sword swiftly stabbed at the man's chest, like a dragon swimming through the air.

Although the man fell under Qi Rongyue's tricks, he never fell down. Although he was dizzy and dizzy, he was a person with profound skills. When facing danger, he could subconsciously make dodging movements. Really avoided Zheng Zhongwen's shocking blow.

He pointed to Qi Rongyue who was standing at the corner of the hall door and said, "You, how dare you plot against me?" After avoiding Zheng Zhongwen's sword, the man quickly rushed towards Qi Rongyue, his eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Qi Rongyue's body is light and nimble, although she can't beat him, but it is still easy to avoid the gangsters who have lost at least half of their kung fu.

The gangster was even more annoyed when he missed the attack. He raised the sword in his hand and started stabbing frantically. At this time, Zheng Zhongwen swept up behind Qi Rongyue and blocked her completely: "You and Xue'er hurry up!" Get out and go to Mr. Wang's side." Nowhere is safe, only Mr. Wang who is protected by security is the safest.

Qi Rongyue knew that staying would not be of much help, so she took Xue'er and ran outside, who knows, as soon as she ran outside Rongyu Hall, she heard Zheng Zhongwen groaning, she turned her head hurriedly, and saw Zheng Zhongwen's arm was crushed. The crazy gangster stabbed with a sword, and blood spattered out.

Zheng Zhongwen's kung fu is obviously not as good as this gangster, even though the gangster has been drugged by her, Zheng Zhongwen still can't please him under his crazy counterattack.

It was another round of fighting, and the bandit was also hit by Zheng Zhongwen's sword, but it didn't hurt the vitals. On the contrary, most of the bandit's mind, which was getting more and more confused, recovered. He let out a wild roar, raised the sword and stabbed. The swords stabbed at Zheng Zhongwen's vital points.

(End of this chapter)

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