Chapter 298 Three Encounters
Although Chu Tianxin intended to make things difficult for Qi Rongyue, he couldn't find a name for him, and Qi Rongyue's attitude seemed to have nothing to do with Hengzhi.

What's more, if Hengzhi really cared about Qi Rongyue, how could he know that she was invited to Dongyuan and not show up?
After thinking about it, she waved her hand and let Qi Rongyue go. After all, she belonged to Prince Zheng, and she made things difficult for Qi Rongyue for no reason, and Yu Yongping's Marquis's face couldn't be justified.

Seeing that Miss Qi and her maid walked out of the palace safely, the guard went back to Nanyuan to report to him.

Min Hengzhi heaved a sigh of relief secretly when he heard the news of the guards' report. He knew Chu Tianxin's character very well, he was cruel and ruthless, and if she didn't like it, he must have a bad life.

Fortunately, Qi Rongyue still has the backing of Zheng Shizi, otherwise, at this time, she must have suffered unknowingly.

"You know this and I know it, do you understand?" Min Hengzhi said to the guard.

The guard hurriedly responded: "This subordinate understands." The guard thought for a while, and then said: "Just now this subordinate heard the conversation between the princess and Ms. Qi in Dongyuan, and from what Ms. Qi said, it seems that she and Mr. Zheng are going to get married soon. .”

Min Hengzhi raised his eyebrows and blurted out: "Really?" He didn't believe it!

Just like he doesn't believe that Qi Rongyue really has nothing to do with Lai Wushan, Qi Rongyue is a very special person with outstanding temperament, calm and introverted temperament, very smart and careful.

Yes, be very careful, every word she said seems to have been carefully considered, and because of this, he felt that every word she said was a lie, and she never told the truth in front of him, But there is one thing, her eyes are very real, from her eyes, he can see her fearlessness, even disgust towards him.

Realizing this made him feel very uncomfortable.

Why does she hate him?From the first time she saw him, he felt that she looked at him very differently.

The second meeting by chance, he had the same feeling, until the third meeting under the pansy plum tree, he felt a trace of disgust towards him in her seemingly calm eyes.

He thought of a possibility.

Qi Rongyue knew him, either through rumors in the market, or through someone who was particularly familiar with him.

Like Tianyu!

Tianyu has never been to Laiwu Mountain during the years of studying art in Laiwu Mountain, and he doesn't know if the master has taken in other new disciples. If Qi Rongyue knows Tianyu, knows his relationship with Tianyu, and knows Tian Yu's death has nothing to do with him.

That's why you hate him, right?
The truth of the matter, is it so?

His heartbeat kept speeding up, is Qi Rongyue really Tianyu's junior sister in Laiwu Mountain?

But the person he sent to Pengcheng to investigate clearly replied that Qi Rongyue had been living in Pengcheng and had never left.

The guard saw that King Jin's complexion changed, and his mood gradually became irritable. He didn't dare to say any more, and hurriedly withdrew from the study.

He has been by King Jin's side for a long time, and he knows King Jin's temperament, and he will never be easily influenced by a woman. Except for Princess Tianyu back then, it seems that there is no other woman who can make King Jin look at him more, even if it is just a glance. .

This Ms. Qi doesn't know what extraordinary abilities she has, there are quite a few men around her, the eldest son of Yongping Houfu, the champion of Xinke, and now even the King of Jin...

He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauties, and the bright future of many heroes has been ruined in the hands of these beauties.

I hope that their Highness King Jin will not be fascinated by sex and ruin his future.

(End of this chapter)

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