Chapter 327
Chapter 328

Feeling that someone was peeping at her, she looked sideways, and just happened to look into those eyes that were deep in the secluded pool. The eyes were pitch black, seemingly calm and calm, but in fact, turbulent waves suddenly rose in the dark.

She suppressed the sudden surge of horror in her heart, turned around pretending to be calm, and said calmly, "Close the window!"

Xue'er also saw King Jin, cursed secretly in her heart, and quickly closed the window to block the meaningful sight outside the window.

To Qi Rongyue's surprise, Min Hengzhi didn't come over to harass her after he found out that she was next door. He didn't see her until she finished eating and checked out. I left the Crane Tower a long time ago.

Prince Lian's Mansion

"Hengzhi, why didn't you come back with your heart when you came back this time?" Chu Lian said calmly, looking at the talented and extraordinary Min Hengzhi.

Min Hengzhi said in a respectful voice: "Xin'er said that he will stay for a while before returning to Beijing!"

Chu Lian frowned slightly, thinking that girls really don't want to stay, the capital of Min Heng left Jincheng, she was still reluctant to come back, thinking of this, he took a glance at Min Heng, and the dissatisfaction in his heart gradually deepened.

Min Hengzhi is not his favorite candidate for a son-in-law. After all, he once matched Chu Tianyu. Although he is excellent in all aspects, it is hard to guarantee that he will never forget that dead girl Chu Tianyu in his heart. How can he accept his only precious daughter? What about such grievances?
It's a pity, the master of his daughter, he can't do it, if he doesn't obey her, and spends all day looking for life in the mansion, it will be very difficult for him to do so, he can only follow her first, and then observe and observe this Min Hengzhi.

"I heard that you brought a female doctor from Jincheng with you when you came to Beijing this time?" Chu Lian put down the teacup in his hand and asked quietly.

Min Heng's face was calm, he knew that Chu Lian would ask, and was waiting for him to ask.

"Yes, it was also a coincidence. Before leaving Jincheng that day, I received an urgent letter from Lord Yin, asking me to send someone to escort Dr. Qi from Rongyu Hall to Beijing to treat Lord Yin. At that time, I was going back to Beijing. , took her along the way, and left about fifty li away from Jincheng, they drove a carriage, and the pace was too slow, and I couldn't wait for the military affairs I wanted to send."

Chu Lian nodded, which was consistent with the letter he received to report.

Chu Lian asked again: "Is this Dr. Qi really a genius doctor? Why did you invite her here like this!"

Min Hengzhi said: "It is indeed quite capable. I heard that Zheng Shizi was seriously injured when he fell from a horse, and she was the one who cured him. She also cured many suspicious diseases that ordinary doctors could not cure. I am full of praise for her medical skills, oh, by the way, last time Xin'er had an emergency, she was the one who treated her, and Xin'er praised her!"

Of course Chu Lian knew about this, and Xindao was fortunate that his heart was fine, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here safe and sound drinking tea and gossiping with me.

Min Hengzhi glanced at Chu Lian, saw that his face was pale, and that they were no longer on guard and defense as they were when they first met, he felt relieved, and said, "I heard that the emperor is always sick recently?"

Chu Lian nodded: "Yeah, this kid keeps saying he's not feeling well every day, and he doesn't know if it's true or not, and the Royal Hospital can't find out why. There's nothing wrong with him, so let him go."

Min Hengzhi said: "Continuing like this is not an option, why don't you let Dr. Qi go to the palace to show him, maybe you can see something."

Chu Lian frowned, thought about it carefully, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but she is a female doctor who knows some medical skills, so what can you tell if you look at it?And it can also give him a reputation of caring about the emperor, the best of both worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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