Chapter 342 Agree or Disagree

Chapter 343

"How is it?" Seeing that Qi Rongyue had pulled out all the needles on Zheng Sandang's body, Lord Zheng Hou asked Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue took the handkerchief from Xue'er, wiped off the thin sweat on her forehead, and said with a light smile, "The situation is better than expected. It seems that Mrs. Zheng San has suffered a lot in taking care of him in recent years. Be careful, otherwise, his condition will only get worse and it will take more effort to treat him."

Lord Zheng Hou raised his eyebrows: "You mean, it can be cured?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Yes, although it can't be restored to the same level as before, it can make him walk normally again, with no crooked eyes and mouth, and live like a normal person, but his speech will be a little unclear. problem, as long as you practice hard, your speaking can also improve."

Master Zheng Hou looked surprised, he had seen more than one stroke patient, but he had never been cured, and the end was not good, but Qi Rongyue said, can she be cured?
Qi Rongyue said: "There are still eight needlings, once every other day, and the medicine has to be taken for at least half a year. I will write a prescription for you later. They are all ordinary medicines, they are used to regulate the body, so there is no burden."

Mrs. Zheng San was already in tears with excitement. She was already in despair two years ago. She thought that her husband would be like this for the rest of her life. She never expected that God has eyes and good people are rewarded with good things. Her husband, unexpectedly There is hope of recovery again.

When leaving Zheng's mansion, Lord Zheng Hou looked at Qi Rongyue's expression softened by three points compared to when he first met, and when he got into the carriage, he asked straightforwardly: "Miss Qi has been raised in her boudoir, how did she learn how to learn?" Such profound medical skills?"

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly: "If I say that I learned what I learned from medical books, you will not believe me, and I can't give any other answer, so you better stop asking, and I will tell you all when the time is right. , dare not hide anything, now is not the time."

Zheng Houye frowned slightly, looking at Qi Rongyue in front of him, her bright and beautiful face was close at hand, but it seemed that she was far away in the sky. She was by no means just an abandoned daughter of the magistrate. It is very clear, and the sharpness between the lines is definitely not what ordinary people can have when they talk about the government situation.

"Marquis Zheng, you just need to remember that I, Qi Rongyue, will never do anything that is detrimental to the Marquis of Yongping, please trust me!"

He didn't make a sound, he couldn't believe what Qi Rongyue said, he knew too little about her, it could even be said that he didn't know anything about her.

But for the sake of his son, he is willing to trust her, because he believes in his son's vision.

"You said that you have left the Marquis of Wenchang Mansion, where do you live now? If it is inconvenient, you can come to the Marquis of Yongping Mansion to live temporarily." Zheng Houye simply changed the subject.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "No need, it's good for Xue'er and I to stay in the inn. After Mr. Zheng's work is done, I will return to Jincheng, and I won't be able to stay for long!"

Lord Zheng Hou didn't force it, he was just being polite, she could go or not if she wanted to!

There was no words all the way, and when they arrived at Yongping Hou Mansion, the two just said goodbye politely.

After changing to her own carriage, Xueer finally let out the breath she had held for a long time: "Miss, what does Marquis Zheng mean by this? Does he agree or disagree? Why don't you give me an accurate statement? "Xue'er's heart was always up and down. The thing she had been worrying about had finally come. The marriage between the young lady and Zheng Shizi was destined not to be Ma Pingchuan.

(End of this chapter)

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